Reactions received by Sipsey

  • Leastamongmany
    Leastamongmany reacted Agree to Sipsey's post in the thread God is?.
    Just curious, are you a Christian? It seems your word choice in phrasing the question is curious. You start with “if” and call God an...
  • maxwel
    maxwel reacted Agree to Sipsey's post in the thread The Lord Creates Evil.
    It’s funny, how a set of facts can be arranged and rearranged to arrive at diverse conclusions. Context seems to be the factor that sets...
  • Deuteronomy
    Deuteronomy reacted Agree to Sipsey's post in the thread The Lord Creates Evil.
    It’s funny, how a set of facts can be arranged and rearranged to arrive at diverse conclusions. Context seems to be the factor that sets...
  • p_rehbein
    p_rehbein reacted Like to Sipsey's post in the thread God is?.
    Just curious, are you a Christian? It seems your word choice in phrasing the question is curious. You start with “if” and call God an...
  • JamOn
    JamOn reacted Like to Sipsey's post in the thread The Lord Creates Evil.
    Did God create you?
  • JamOn
    JamOn reacted Like to Sipsey's post in the thread The Lord Creates Evil.
    Through the Scriptures, mankind is told to “choose.” God could have made His creations to only choose good and to love everyone, but...
  • JamOn
    JamOn reacted Like to Sipsey's post in the thread The Lord Creates Evil.
    Isaiah 1:18 King James Version 18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be...
  • JaumeJ
    JaumeJ reacted Friendly to Sipsey's post in the thread The Lord Creates Evil.
    Isaiah 1:18 King James Version 18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be...
  • Homewardbound
    It’s funny, how a set of facts can be arranged and rearranged to arrive at diverse conclusions. Context seems to be the factor that sets...
  • CharliRenee
    CharliRenee reacted Like to Sipsey's post in the thread The Lord Creates Evil.
    It’s funny, how a set of facts can be arranged and rearranged to arrive at diverse conclusions. Context seems to be the factor that sets...
  • CharliRenee
    CharliRenee reacted Useful to Sipsey's post in the thread The Lord Creates Evil.
    Isaiah 1:18 King James Version 18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be...
  • Skyline
    Skyline reacted Like to Sipsey's post in the thread The Lord Creates Evil.
    It’s funny, how a set of facts can be arranged and rearranged to arrive at diverse conclusions. Context seems to be the factor that sets...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to Sipsey's post in the thread Gospel or theology?.
    Are you serious to call salvation by faith in the atonement of Jesus insufficient? You can’t even decide what the term theology means...
  • reacted Like to Sipsey's post in the thread Gospel or theology?.
    Please correct me if I’m in error on this, but I’ve always assumed, from previous but long past studies, that we are not commanded to...
  • reacted Like to Sipsey's post in the thread Gospel or theology?.
    Are you serious to call salvation by faith in the atonement of Jesus insufficient? You can’t even decide what the term theology means...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to Sipsey's post in the thread Gospel or theology?.
    Are you serious to call salvation by faith in the atonement of Jesus insufficient? You can’t even decide what the term theology means...
  • Skyline
    Skyline reacted Like to Sipsey's post in the thread Gospel or theology?.
    Are you serious to call salvation by faith in the atonement of Jesus insufficient? You can’t even decide what the term theology means...
  • Skyline
    Skyline reacted Informative to Sipsey's post in the thread Gospel or theology?.
    I see your perspective, but I would that you begin at verse 1 to see the audience being addressed; 1) Behold, what manner of love the...
  • crossnote
    crossnote reacted Agree to Sipsey's post in the thread Gospel or theology?.
    I see your perspective, but I would that you begin at verse 1 to see the audience being addressed; 1) Behold, what manner of love the...
  • OneOfHis
    I think certain denominations from way back have perpetuated this idea that Jesus is pretty powerful, but He cannot or won’t do it all...