Why do you drive on a parkway , but park in a driveway?
Why do high calorie foods taste better? Sigh
Why do you think Manitoba is in Saskatchewan? Alsatoba and Mantario are in SK, but Manitoba is in Canada. 
I'd make some nasty sarcastic comment about ignorant foreigners, but as I'm a foreigner too, that would be simply ignorant, and I prefer not to be nasty. However, I suspect that only the Western Canadians are going to get it anyway.
Canajun, eh,
I'd make some nasty sarcastic comment about ignorant foreigners, but as I'm a foreigner too, that would be simply ignorant, and I prefer not to be nasty. However, I suspect that only the Western Canadians are going to get it anyway.
Canajun, eh,
Canadian humor?
"Man, SK" ........as in "oh man, Siberian_K" , .......the guy who started this thread?