A good question 
I will try to define it, but it isn't easy for me, and my words may be understood differently by others than what is my intention.
I trust in a law of life, that makes me have peace when I'm able to give up the idea of having a self, because I trust that I then follow the law of life best.
It's an understanding I've come to by listening, reading and sensing.
Do I know it's the truth? No. But I trust it's the right direction for me, and that it will open up for further understanding to follow it.
I will try to define it, but it isn't easy for me, and my words may be understood differently by others than what is my intention.
I trust in a law of life, that makes me have peace when I'm able to give up the idea of having a self, because I trust that I then follow the law of life best.
It's an understanding I've come to by listening, reading and sensing.
Do I know it's the truth? No. But I trust it's the right direction for me, and that it will open up for further understanding to follow it.
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