i think social issues with race, gender and class, these 3 being what Paul said was of no consequence to those who are in Christ Jesus, because we are now forgiven, need to be actively RECONCILED and REDEEMED.
There is no denying that some races BADLY treat other races and continue to do so through segregation and apartheid (or ethnicities - jew and greek)
There is no denying that its common for males and females treat each other badly too, that is why there is so much divorce, battered women, abortion, child abuse and broken homes. (male and female)
There is no denying that richer people ignore the needs or poorer people and poor people have a huge debt burden they can never repay (slaves and free)
Working through these lingering issues that come from the world and redeeming them is actually a part of being in Christ.
The early church has several instances where they worked through this. Peter was told it was NOT offensive to God to eat with gentiles.
for women, Jesus gave women the authority to have an education, when he told Mary that learning and listening to God was even more important than housekeeping. Paul actually wanted women to do their homework as women were so eager to learn in the early church and ask questions of their husbands.
And James admonished those who had riches and wealth to spare a thought for those less well off and invite them to the table.