Hey bro, how you doin man? I'm Shane, it's nice to meet you.
Just a few things for you brother:
“I don't know about you guys, but when I play video games that require me to kill, I get angry when I get killed”
“The difference is is that I'm working really hard to get them out of my life so I don't struggle with them anymore.”
Based on your own statements, it's obvious that playing these kind of games is something that troubles your mind.
Now it's either one of two things. It's because you're receiving some form of pressure from an external source such as pastors, youth leaders, or other believers, who've convinced you that playing a game like counter strike is evil and “sinful”. Or, you're feeling some sense of personal conviction about these games in your life.
I hope it's the latter, as this would be a lot closer to assuming the work of the Holy Spirit, then merely men's differing opinions, perceptions, ideals etc.
If it is, and this conviction is coming from within your own soul and being, well then, you know man, I can understand that. As I alluded to earlier, when we first begin walking with God, it seems like He hits this reset button in our lives, as if He's clearing out all the unnecessary stuff, so that we can focus on Him. We suddenly lose the desire for many things we once indulged in such as television, etc. Now we often think it's ourselves, and that we are righteous, but later discover it was God doing it. I've experienced this, which is why I'm able to relate to it, and I believe He knows this phase in our spiritual birth is critical for our lives with Him, and therefore it's His Spirit who creates this radically pure mindset within us.
In fact I remember going through my first several years with Him in this state of mind. Everything for me practically had to have a stamp and approval in my mind and conscience of being okay with the Lord. This enlightening part of our early years grows deep roots, and establishes a strong foundation in Him, so that we are deeply planted and established on Him, and His work which He began in us, will avail to much personal growth, and fruit in our lives.
But you must understand what I tried to tell the other guy, it's truly not a put down to you bro, I see in you, an incredible man of God. I mean, 15, and you want so badly to please Him? That is so awesome bro. Dude I wasn't ready to start serving Him until I was 17, and that's still very young. So I love to see the passion for pleasing God. It is indeed His work, and He's called you out of this world to be light to it.
What an incredibly humbling and amazing honor; to be chosen by the creator of the universe as one of his special vessels. And what an incredible miracle; to be born again. This is why you are even greater than John the baptist bro. Because even with all the amazing miracles God worked through his prophets, none of them had experienced the miracle of being born of the Spirit as you have been. Do you understand how incredible this is? This is why Jesus said upon hearing of John the baptist's beheading, “of all those born of woman, there have been none greater than him, yet I say to you, even the least in the kingdom of heaven, is greater than he”.
But I will tell you dear brother, in time, as you grow from infancy in Christ, to that of a child, and ultimately into a mature Spirit and Soul in Christ, you'll come to understand for yourself what is good to partake of, and what is not. We are older than you dear brother, and like I said, you guys trying to convince us that what we're doing is “sinful”, no matter what scriptures you try to pull up, or what kind of biblical argument, or what logical connection you try and establish, it's kind of like that kid I described before hand.
See, what you guys are saying is not “convicting” us and resulting in the need for us to feel we have to justify ourselves to you. That is, at least not for me. And why? Because again, as a mature adult in Christ, and someone who's spirit has had many radical years of growth in the Lord, I have a good sense of what I should and should not be doing.
In fact bro, I've grown so much with the Lord, that it's not even some kind of list I need such as, this is sin, so don't do this, or, this is acceptable, go ahead and do it. But rather, I just don't feel whole engaging in things that are of darkness, or even over indulging in things that might not necessarily be bad, but make you feel empty after too much of it. That's how in tune I am with my Lord, and only His work and walking with Him can do that, and you'll get there as you grow beyond this necessary state you're in right now.
But what I said in my longer reply above, was simply for the other reader, in hopes that he might understand what he is doing; trying to monitor and to some degree, “police” other believers, and projecting his personal convictions that he happens to be experiencing in his own life, and at this time, onto other believers who are older, wiser, more experienced, and who've walked with God a lot longer than him.
Now I want it to be clear that I'm not trying to slander him, or you for that matter. I can tell that like you, he is very passionate for the Lord. But all he understands right now is what's right and wrong for him. Again not to sound insulting, but just like a baby in the cradle.
An infant has to be nurtured, protected, spoon-fed, and above all, sheltered from anything destructive to it. It has an incredibly limited amount of freedom, and can't even stand on it's own two feet. So what am I saying then? I'm saying that being a newborn babe in Christ, is exactly the same as being a newborn in the world, and that it's just a common part of the child's development to first be nurtured, protected, spoon-fed and sheltered from just about everything in life, so that it can grow strong and healthy. However, that little infant eventually, and with the cultivating of God's hands, both physically and spiritually, becomes a capable adult, able for themselves to know how to walk in life as a mature and seasoned child of God.
You guys are young, on-fire believers, and I would NEVER, EVER attempt to discourage that. That's one of the ways I believe we can “quench the Spirit”, as God's word admonished us not to do. On the contrary, I want to be a part of your growth.
Dude, if I can help you with something, such as a question about spirituality, or something in your life, let me know. You have an older brother right here, and you guys are nothing less than precious brothers to me. You are treasures beyond treasures, young princes to be kings of the Almighty King, and I would never want to face my Lord, and find out I was guilty of kicking against the goads, and hindering His work in someone else's lives. But you just have to understand, as much as you might not naturally, that we know what is good for our lives, and acceptable to the Lord.
Okay man?
Take care brother. Please take me up on it if there's ever something I can help you with, or offer you advice for.