Bill W was what we call Dual Diagnosis now. Being that he to was in and out of mental wards and was bi polar. He recognized in spite of his madness that there was more wrong that abstinence alone could not cure. Most people can't even admit to them selves the nature of our personality defects but while working the steps the true nature of our ism appears. The problem is 'ism', I self and me.
We can't fix a broken brain with a broken brain fortunately we have a guide in the steps and elders in the rooms that have gone through it. Most of us don't share out of condemnation but from experience. Eventually after the fog lifts we arrive at a place where experience, strength and hope shared by others seems valuable to our corrupted minds and a new beginning becomes visible beyond the self inflicted damage and a new hope I call faith is tangible.
We can't fix a broken brain with a broken brain fortunately we have a guide in the steps and elders in the rooms that have gone through it. Most of us don't share out of condemnation but from experience. Eventually after the fog lifts we arrive at a place where experience, strength and hope shared by others seems valuable to our corrupted minds and a new beginning becomes visible beyond the self inflicted damage and a new hope I call faith is tangible.
........When I started reading the AA book it was describing me to the letter....😀
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