Hi, my name is Kale. I am here to describe what has happened to me and what I've done. I'm battling with myself over depression, abuse (not in the way you may first think of), addiction, and so on. I have hurt people, especially the one person I loved more than anything in this world and I have hurt more and more over it every single day since what has happened. I don't know who to turn to or where to go to ask for forgiveness and move on, hopefully become happy again. I don't know if this subject will apply to this thread but I figured I should give it a shot. I have been needing help for a long time with my depression and I have let it control who I am. It has caused me to treat the people I love and the ones around me worse than dirt, it has caused me to use addictions as a way to have something to keep me happy, not the ones I love keeping me happy, but just being one whatever I was on would keep me happy which I shouldn't have let it escalate to that. I have suffered from a rough childhood and I am still battling with myself and my own mind everyday. It started getting really bad one day and it has been escalating ever since, and I have no one to turn towards to help me look up towards everything with a smile. I have hurt the people closest to me that were just trying to help and I don't know what to do from here. I have lost everything and I feel I'm not done losing what I have left. I don't know what to do in this situation, I am completely lost. Does anyone have any advice on where I could turn to, what I could do, who I could talk to, anything? I have never been the type of person to really open up about myself but now I feel is a long overdue time to make a change and better myself. Please if anyone wants to help, contact me and I'll describe more about these situations. If this is not the right place for this forum/thread, then please let me know and I'll fix everything. I thank you everyone who stops to read and help out and I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day.