Well the scenario now has nothing to do with gay marriage, that's a different thing, and it would have to be explained and reasoned in a different manner, because of natural reasons. It all depends on the difference you can make in his life now by going or not going. Because our job in this world is not to judge people, that's God's job, our job in this world is to bring people to Christ, Jesus ate with people who were judged to be the worst filthiest minds in society, which was of huge controversy, again I think he's got the point of your family not agreeing to it, and he is still doing it, that means he is assuming the natural consequences of it. I think if you are somebody he sees on his side, maybe not ideologically, but as an emotional support, I encourage you to go.
I have no problem with eating with my brother, I just feel like a wedding is a celebration. And when I go and bring gifts and what not, I am partaking in his sin, if I believe it is sin. If I told him I would go, he might even have me in the briddle party. Let's just say that marrying someone who is divorced is wrong, which I believe it is, I'm just speaking for those who don't: how then could I be a part of a ceremony that causes them to commit this. To me that is like excepting an invitation to play guitar for Marilin Manson as he sings a blasphemious song and expecting that to bring him to Chrst.