Jesus was very empathtic, which means, he feels how we feel. He said, 'I am not a high Priest that is not touched by our afflictions, and pain. He is the only Son of God, who has the most compassion on the human race, and did when he was here on earth. Today, hearts are cold and calloused, it is as though they want to inflict hurt, because the word says, "I will take out the stoney heart, and give them a heart of flesh." Even though the heart is flesh, the Lord does not call it compassionate, loving or having empathy being in the other persons shoes. he calls it hard, and cold. Stoney, Calloused, unfeeling. Any wonder he said, least ye become as little children you will in no wise enter into the kingdom of God. What are their favorite things, a feather, a stone, a rain drop, they hold in their hand, and feel the amazement of a wonder yet to be discovered. Any wonder why I love the Lord so much, because he takes my hand, and I feel life, love, and laughter. He is all these things. and more. Hold a rain drop, and you hold the ocean in your hand.