It's odd to me how often a person just shuts their own brain off and uses reductive reasoning to assess another person's motivations and feelings about a subject. Maybe they just don't care to learn why someone has a different view, or perhaps they just get some sick sense of satisfaction by being able to classify another person as different=bad=wrong. I'm not sure.
It shouldn't need to be said, but people do things for different reasons, and people think about things differently. To use reductive reasoning and make some blanket statement about gun owners does both the gun owners and the person passing judgment a disservice. It attempts to cast the gun owner in a poor light, but at the same time, the person passing judgment looks like a fool for pulling their "adult" version of "I'm right, you're wrong, nana, nana, boo, boo, you eat doo-doo".
The worst part about seeing this reductive reasoning is that it somehow forces my hand to use a bit of my own. When I see people who think their own farts (metaphorically speaking) don't stink, it's impossible for me to take anything they say seriously. Those are the type of people who are convinced of their own magnificence and are not willing to even entertain the notion that they just might be wrong - i.e. they are no longer interested in learning anything. Being wrong presents an opportunity for growth.