Mmmmm what a Question!!! Simple but very thoughtful. Answering this question without pulsing to give it a thought, could cause us to throw judgement and to discourage someone easily who is on the role of prosperity to achieve his or her success in life. To answer this question therefore, let,s go back to the Bible, Was it Adam who ask God to put him in Eden? Was it Abraham who pressured God to bless him? How come Isaac was born in a wealthy home without facing the tragedy of poverty? Why did Jacob suffered before prospering in his life? Though Joseph was born in a blessed home, why does he had to suffer before achieving his destiny? Last but not the least, why was Job born a rich man but had to suffer in poverty for a moment? If we can find concrete solution to all this questions from the Scriptures (BIBLE), you will realize that almost all the men were blessed in many ways and means, for which non of them could be judge or questioned for their prosperity and achievement in life. I hope by now we are in a deep thought for now, for which we might have mistaken if we condemn rich men to praise the poor. God does know of our abilities as men, He knows where we are strong and weak, and He has our destiny in His hand. God did not create anyone poor and rich, He gave us all what we can handle, therefore we have the choice as men and women to decide what we want to do with our destiny. Before God will form Adam, He had already created provided all that he will need to his satisfaction in Eden, there was nothing that Adam and Eve were lacking in their home. Come to think of it, they had abundance, and were feeding the sheeps and all the animals withing Eden, for everything they needed were at their disposal. But what happen, they decided to go the other way, instead of walking in the wills of God, to maintain their possession. There are many people who are rich and successful today but because of they are greed, wicked, selfish, and disobedience to God,s will, they have lost their possessions as a result. Abraham was called by God to possess what God has prepared for him, for his generation to come. why because God does know that in life, sometimes we need a stirring for which we can climb on to get to the top of our success and achievement in life, that,s why He had to call Abraham to pay the Price of sacrificing Isaac, at receive God,s promise which has the power of influence in his life. And by the Sacrifice of Abraham, today we have received Jesus Christ as our redeemer, through whom we are blessed to prosper in life. If a man is blessed with wealth by God grace, he is there to serve the needs of his family, friends, and the community for which he belong, so the God,s will and purpose for His children could be achieved. Poverty is never a curse, however, you as individual has the power to determine what you want your future or destiny to be like. Job realize that he was born a wealthy and a rich man, how come the devil, the accuser, the adversary could steal all that belong to him withing a short time? No wonder he didn,t keep his mouth shut, but developed hope and faith in God, that God can open up the Heavens to prosper him again, and this only came to pass, because Job did not see himself as a failure. Today if many poor people that are suffering in poverty could rise up and face God in prayer and fasting, and move out there to the market, searching for jobs, so they could earn some income, to save and prepare for tomorrow, God can prosper them to make them successful in life. Is they could see the potentials, the abilities, the ideas, and gift which God has deposited in them to make use of it today, I can assure them by God,s word that they will rise up again from poverty to become rich just the way they see other rich and successful people in life. It seems like I have taken half of this page with my message, but on a serious note, even our LORD JESUS CHRIST who died to save us, was a rich man, full of wealth. What,s the proof that Jesus Christ was poor when He came on the earth? A man who could heal the sick, provide abundance of food for the poor, raise the dead, and give life to those that perish in their sins and iniquities, among all the doctors, physicians, Economist, Scholars in His time, He was lifted above them all as Wise, Teacher, and a Savior. Therefore our qualification into the kingdom of God does not depend on any man;s status, whether he is poor or rich, but only those that does God,s will shall enter the kingdom, that,s the key to Heaven, God bless you for reading, Amen.