mk, well. Essentially I know a lot of people that feel like they are doing "their part" when it is a small fraction of the whole process.
Much like people that are so very opinionated about politics but all they do is cast 1 vote every year (and sometimes 2-4) and think that's all they can do.
I mean prayer is certainly helpful and exercising discernment in regard to politics and the same can be said of conservation efforts.
but I find it troublesome personally (something of an impasse) where I don't care if I don't take it a step further. Many conservational efforts going on, and plenty of lobbying for waste reduction, more efficient facilities being built. Actually spending money on recycling, working on making it viable financially. Public awareness...all that stuff.
Does that extra effort some put into recycling make any difference? Does it always get recycled? Should we hold companies that trash some of it responsible or maybe just be more informative about their individual practices and the reasons. Or do people really care enough to compile all the information?
Does this information need to be spoonfed in the form of a talk show, and infographics or can a bulk text document be compiled as "conservation assigned reading"...would civic responsibility be a good thing to institute as some sort of law, IF it really matters.
Does the concept of stewardship of this earth have any bearing on the new earth? I think it does, but regarding stewardship and time being mostly finite (barring tools to increase its utility) where and how should we allocate these resources?
None of that takes into consideration trash. I can't be the only one that thinks just throwing so many things away and putting it into a bag and taking it to the curb is too easy. If it seems to good to be true, doesn't mean it necessarily is, but the likelihood is definitely increased to the point of scrutiny. At least in my view, it should be.
precious Mii,
this is not about 'saving the world through our daily habits or convictions of saving the world', it's all about helping
ourselves to bring ourselves into a better way of serving our Lord through the freedom of our conscience,
which will always bring us 'Spiritual rewards' such as (peace and comfort and fearlessness and joy and confidence)!!!
Or should we only focus on kingdom work. Or is involving ourselves in the world accomplishing kingdom work in the process?
Does Ecclesiastes 9:10 factor in to this discussion? Is it simply whatever you find to do? But to choose.
Bulk "dump" of tangents. I continue to compile them into an overall whole but unless I had a city to manage, I don't see how a lot of this is relevant.