I heard an interesting take on part of this the other day. It got me thinking. The answer to the age old question of which came first, the chicken or the egg? is The Chicken. Because God didn't create Adam as a baby he created a full grown man. Eve was a full grown woman. All the animals started out as adults. Therefore, it stands to reason God could have created the mountains, deserts, oceans, etc., with all the characteristics of old age. He could have made the layers of earth appear to be as old as He wanted for reasons known only to Him. Reasons we will probably not discover until we meet with Him in Heaven. Then, of course, it will all make sense. Why would God create so many planets and stars, galaxies, so far away we will never reach them? To make us feel small or to help us understand his Magnificence. To give us things to ponder, study and learn from. So that one day man will realize the immeasurable greatness of God is beyond our human understanding.