actually I misled you
earths circumference is 24000 miles = 40000 kilometres
diameter is 8000 miles = 12000 kilometres
radius = 6000 kilometres
or as BP says 6,378,000 metres
so rotational velocity = 40000km/8.77 (old)hours
so we get 40000*1000 metres/60*60*8.77 sec = 1267m/s
previously it was 40,000,000 metres/ (3600 * 24)sec = 463m/s
now we have our 2 velocities
(thank you aksel)
f1 = (m * 1267 * 1267) / 6,378,000 = 0.251*Mass metres/second/second
f2 = (m * 463 * 463) / 6,378,000 = 0.033Mass metres/second/second
assume a mass of 100kg
f1=25.1 newtons
f2 = 3.3 newtons
given gravity is 9.8 newtons INCLUDING the 3.3 newtons
we get new gravity = 9.8 newtons +3.3 newtons -25.1newtons = -12 newtons
therefore we will fly off the planet
at the equator at a velocity of 12 metres per second

this will
not happen at the north pole or in Norway