Matthew 25:45 What so ever you've done to the least of these you've done it unto me.
Matthew, John, Paul, and other bible names, have been important family heirlooms even naming their children after their grand parents. Some even have the name called Jesus. Life brings pride from abundance of things, and we forget the guy without nothing, and look down, on the least of them. This is not the way of charity, to have a name means to me we want to role model that person,being holy in the eyes of God, called by him, and maybe be like them, pride is what broke out a war in heaven, and it breaks relationships, Christ taught us an example, " he said, wash one another's feet, like he did." Pride won't do it, your to good, to stoop down, what you do to another, you do it unto him. The best Christmas gift you could give yourself, and others, is love, if you love them you set them free, it is the gift that will come back to you, every day, a new day of freedom. Freedom isn't free, you can't buy it, you could recieve it, Father, set those who are under generational curses let every demonic stronghold be broken over their lives in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God. Give freedom and it will be yours, what you reap you will sow." Give a gift of love.