IMO Cracker Barrel is a racist name for a restaurant.
Think about it.
Think about it.
Yeah! What's up with that?
How about saltine crackers? White paint? Man, there is racism all over! This has to stop!
...does anyone know the name of the song that is played as an instrumental from ice cream trucks? LOL
How about saltine crackers? White paint? Man, there is racism all over! This has to stop!
...does anyone know the name of the song that is played as an instrumental from ice cream trucks? LOL
Cattle have long been raised in Florida, and even shipped here for grazing. And the old "cowboys" who herded them used small whips that they wielded to make "cracking" sounds to get response from the cows. Hence, the name, "Crackers."
As the name is used in this case, however, it is referencing the large barrel of crackers (which got their name simply because they "cracked" when you broke them) that could be found in all General Stores of yesteryear for customers to enjoy nibbling on while they shopped.
As a matter of fact, this was a custom in many places. When I was a boy, I would go to the rear loading dock of a local bakery in the Summertime, and have lunch with the Black workers, (they preferred "Colored" in those days.). Set out on the dock, were two such large barrels. One contained loaves of bread that had not baked into the proper shape to be suitable for commercial distribution, and were discarded. The other was full of honey. Some of the best lunches of my childhood. We felt really privileged and cool to be eating there.