however i do not think you can compare abortion to the kids that died in america last week in the way you have compared them many women that do not do abortion because they have left it to late abandon there kids when they are born have you ever seen a baby seal that has lost there mum many die just after a few days.
Yes, I can compare them. For the greater majority, they are the same. For the many years, what half
the USA population has dealt to the fetus, is now turned on the population, it becomes a bad thing
in their mind. But they can't see what they are doing is wrong. The wrong is the attitude.
Half the population says the fetus isn't a human being. It takes a twisted sick human to have that
view. However, when they are on the "RECEIVING" end of that view, oh, now its a bad thing and
changes are needed. Its called "HYPOCRISY!"