When you look into all the discoveries we’ve made, you can also make better educated guesses as to what the spiritual realm could be like and how some miracles might happen.
For example, taking into account what we know about the double-slit experiment we could say that God chose to reveal something extraordinary to 40,000 people in Portugal in 1917 in what is known as The Miracle of Fatima.
Because The Sun did not move out of orbit for the whole galaxy and other people in the world. But it moved for these people.
So they were shown some imagery which could also be the same as explaining the imagery of what John saw for the apocalypse. God revealed a realm which is hidden from us and only a Creator has the power to show us what we need to see according to His will.
In trying to answer what realms are and what they might be, the answer to that might partially be in what the universe is made up of.
70% is dark energy, 26% is dark matter and only 4% is matter which we are made of that we can see, feel and touch. This is also a great mystery. The majority of the universe cannot be seen by us. So maybe this is where some of these other realms might exist.
I personally think that God exists everywhere inside and outside of this universe but even inside our universe there may be hidden realms.
All of this can also bring some unification with people like me who doesn’t take the 6-day Creationism literally and for other who take it literally. Because as others have mentioned “God may have stretched the heavens to make it appear old”.
This is consistent with the double slit experiment and it’s also consistent with the ingredients of the Universe seen and unseen.
So all this does is glorifies the work of The Creator.