Just came home from work. Anybody in the mood for coffee with irish cream flavor (no real alc, just the flavor

I've been thinking that we could join together in prayer here every evening and use this thread more usefully. Bring up stuff to pray about. Your country, your own needs, family, friends, people you encounter.
For now, all that I can think of is, God, make our posts on here and words elsewhere be edifying.
And I have in my spirit to pray against somethings. I rarely pray
against anything but now I feel led to.
Another "big fish" drug dealer in my country who holds the whole country's narcotic trade has paid and been released from jail, they supposedly dont have proofs or something like that. He is not the first. Seems like justice cant catch these people and it is a mockery every time? Praying that God will fight against these hardhearted men who destroy the whole country with their criminal webs, until they are broken and come to Him on their knees. Praying that especially this guy who has been just released and the other one before him, who laughed at the court at everybody, will be hit where they dont expect. Please everyone reading join me so this petition may come up before God. Humble them God. Make them fall and make them look for you so everybody will know and fear God's name and not laugh even when caught like they do now and rejoice in evil and murder witnesses. Break them for a testimony and warning to others. Strike them with a wound that will not heal so they will be forced to look to You alone for healing. I would really like to see these people coming to You Jesus, much to amazement of other criminals so they may also reconsider and be saved. God I know You can make it happen. Praying that it is done for the sake of fear of God's name and His glory! amen