I am not continuing the blue ladybug discussion. On to other ladybug topics:
One winter I stayed in a bunkhouse that had been empty for a while, I’m not sure how long. First thing I turned on the electric heater and got it nice and toasty inside. Then I headed to bed in my cozy bedroll. The activity began near the middle of the night, something dropped onto my bedroll. I awoke and sleepily brushed it away and immediately fell back asleep. Critters are common in old bunkhouses so I wasn’t worried. Then something else fell onto my bedroll, it got brushed away also. Only half asleep I pondered what might be falling on me as several more fell, then lots more. I was under attack! Leaping out of bed I landed on the floor only to feel a crunch under my feet, oh no. Every step towards the light switch brought forth a sickening crunch. The light switch now within reach I flicked it with a shudder, not wanting to see the cause of the crunch. Light played over a crawling sea of ladybugs. Little red and black ladybugs covered the ceiling and were crawling all over my bedroll. I won’t mention the floor. In the lightning quick reactions of a young man in peril I leaped to my bedroll tossed it outside and flung myself out after it. Expecting to see ladybugs covering the porch in their march to the heat, I slowed only long enough to plan my escape route. This was sufficient time to realize that the crunching under my feet wasn’t from ladybugs covering the deck. In fact, there weren’t any ladybugs on the deck, except for the ones I brought with me.
I didn’t sleep well the rest of the night, it was cold on the porch, and I kept expecting the ladybugs to try for another attack. With the morning I arose, new courage surged through my veins. It was time to investigate the stolen territory and the enemies’ route of attack. Opening the door and boldly preparing for the worst, I was stopped in my tracks. A couple of dead ladybugs lay on the floor. My mind went wild, “you dreamed it all up”, “no I didn’t, I know what I saw and what I stepped in, it was real.” There was only one way to prove the truth. I stepped to the attic door and carefully opened it a crack. Several ladybugs fell out and lots more were crawling around.
In the coming days I learned to live peaceably with the ladybugs. I kept the heat turned low and the ladybugs stayed in their attic.
True Story