I guess I can't handle it very good sometimes with getting ignored. I take it easily very personal. I have always been a person that accepts other people easily, ever since I was a child I loved to talk and share, as well as I loved being the "centre" of attention. In my family I think I could easily be the "clown", as I loved making jokes, acting very goofy. I am still this way, though not everyone might get my jokes.

For some people they think of me as a "crazy" lady.
When I started school, I suddenly became a grey mouse. I became the quiet and the one everyone picked on and bullied. This became more a shell around me, as I have always been a very outgoing person. But when other kids picked me out as a bully victim and rejected me, then I often tried to show them I could handle well being on my own. Something I never did, as deep inside of me I felt as I wanted to cry. But for me to show no tears, meant that I would be a stronger person. Although I couldn't always avoid running to the bathroom crying sometimes.
I think that the way we often react today has a lot with the way we also did react during our past. When I am with a lot of people and I feel ignored by them, I try doing something else to seem as I am doing something important. Like watching out of the window, or I may have taken a notebook/diary/journal with me, and I might be writing something, sketching or drawing. I still don't like feeling ignored, so I try filling up that moment of rejection with something else to making me feeling a bit better.