I don't want a "brand" of Christianity in charge, honestly. I've thought about this more (in regards to another thread, I believe you were also on that one) and I agree now, having a RELIGION in charge, that's no good. But to have a government banning things like prayer in schools is no good, either.
The government does not ban prayer in school. Individual students are welcome to pray quietly, to themselves, whenever they want. Yes, there have been cases where students have been told not to pray. EVERY TIME this has happened, it was at least one of the following situations:
1. The student or students were disrupting other students and/or interrupting class time. In other words, a student may not stand up in the middle of class and start speaking in tongues while the teacher is trying to present a lesson.
2. A teacher or other school official coerced or pressured students into participating in prayer, and/or a student's right NOT to pray was infringed. In other words, if I find out that a teacher led my child's class in an Islamic Prayer Chant, I would probably be a little ticked off, and rightly so. Don't you see that parents of a student who is not Christian would feel equally upset about a teacher leading any Christian prayer? For that reason, prayer cannot be initiated by teachers or administrators, because that is a form of pressure.
3. The teacher(s) or administrator(s) involved in asking the students to stop praying were wrong, and were punished for infringing upon the rights of student's beliefs. There have been cases where, for example, a principal tells a student not to say grace before eating his lunch, or a teacher punishes a child for making the sign of the cross before a test. In every case, the student was in the right, and the teacher or administrator was wrong. Some of these cases, believe it or not, were brought against the schools by the ACLU, who would represent a Christian whose rights to pray quietly were being curtailed.
If you know of any case where a student in a public school was "banned" from praying, that doesn't fall into one of the above 3 categories, please share it. If any public school is getting away with infringing upon the rights of a student, I want to know about it.
The government neither bans religion nor supports it. The law is such that it protects those from other religions from having their individual rights (freedom of religion) from being infringed upon. In any case of alleged "government banning of religion," just ask yourself how you would feel if the situation were different. For example, if a city board is rejecting a motion to put a Christmas manger scene on public ground, ask yourself how you'd feel if it was some Pagan altar to Ishtar or something like that. Would you want your tax dollars to be used to support that sort of display? I wouldn't. So, too, a non-Christian should not have any of their tax dollars used to support a Christian display.
In fact, there have been many more instances where non-Christian groups were banned from having their own free speech and freedom of religion, such as the atheists who were told they could not pay for advertising on billboards, while churches are allowed billboard advertising if they pay for it. Is that fair?
I may disagree with what someone says, but I will defend to the death their right to say it.