Peace Pilgrim
1908 - 1981
On her pilgrimage from 1953 until her new beginning in 1981
"A pilgrimage is a gentle journey of prayer and example. My walking is first of all a prayer for peace. If you give your life as a prayer you intensify the prayer beyond measure."-- Peace Pilgrim
Peace Pilgrim walked more than 25,000 miles across this country spreading her message -
"This is the way of Peace: Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love." Carrying in her tunic pockets her only possessions, she vowed, "I shall remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food." She talked with people on dusty roads and city streets, to church, college, civic groups, on TV and radio, discussing peace within and without.
Her pilgrimage covered the entire peace picture: peace among nations, groups, individuals, and the very important inner peace - because that is where peace begins.
She believed that world peace would come when enough people attain inner peace. Her life and work showed that one person with inner peace can make a significant contribution to world peace.
STEPS TOWARD INNER PEACE is not copyrighted and you are welcome to reprint it in whole or in part. It has now been translated into twenty languages and published in a few countries. We hope that in time it will be translated into many more languages and published in every country in the world.
( Inspiration of the highest level )
( public domain sources )