I usually call my first meal lunch and second dinner. I'm incapable of having a normal sleep schedule so I never know what time of the day I'll go to sleep or wake up. Breakfast is a rarity because I'm usually too tired to eat for a few hours after waking up. For some unknown reason I despise eating while tired.
And yeah, the sleep schedule is not something I am great at either. Midnight rolls around and I think, gosh, I work tomorrow, I better go to bed, but then I think, what about that panel? And I will work on it for an hour or so. LOL. I don't use an alarm to wake up, either. I know I am going to be awake between six and seven if not sooner, no matter what... if I've stayed up late, the trick then becomes getting out of bed before it is too late rather than thinking, I will just lie here for another couple of minutes. Because more sleep becomes an inevitability under those conditions LOL. I can function fine on a few hours of sleep even though that may mean needing a nap at some point the next day. Naps have become much more commonplace in my life, any ways... One day I got home from work and hit that wall around five o'clock in the evening. Slept until eleven! I still was able to sleep when I went back to bed at one...
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