There is tolerance and approval. They are not the same. Americans and our freedom of religion, and freedoms period, make us the most tolerant people in the world. The posts on YouTube that are completely abhorrent to foreigners, seem par for the course to us. I am not going to give up MY freedom of speech just because someone else has an over-the-top rant.
GLBT's want approval, not just tolerance, but approval and acknowledgement their behavior is absolutely normal. It won't happen. Sorry if that offends. There are just some biological facts that no legislature can legislate to suit their whim.
There is a book "King and King" written for second-graders, to be taught in public schools. The principle character is gay, kisses a man at the end, etc. The most offensive part of the book to me, was the book to say divorce was okay. No, divorce is not okay, and teaching to second graders that divorce is okay, is not okay. Especially when some of those school kids are trying to deal with their parent's divorces.
The biggest issue with GLBT issues? They are just a huge distraction. For a special interest group that likely numbers less than a million, there is a gay story every single day in the news. A new battle to be fought for "rights". And the pouncing and piling on never stop. Just find another hot button issue with straights, pounce on it, sic the legal juggernaut on it, and push until people cave just to get it off the table to focus on more important things. The gay marriage thing was the most nonsensical issue I have ever come across. As GLBTs regularly point out, straights have some serious issues with marriage. That is completely true. So why would any group march for the right to get married with all the acknowledged problems that brings on?
Now I have just exercised my freedom of speech. If folks get upset with that, well, that is just something they will have to accept, if they want me to be tolerant of their views. And if exercise of freedom of religion means quoting the Bible somewhere along the way, then freedom of religion is going to get some real exercise.
You are welcome to hate me for my views, it is your constitutional right. It is my constitutional right to express them. I think we can get along.