Perhaps the problem is they are not realizing that Prophet by definition is not exclusive to
one who predicts the future,
but are deceived in the fact not realizing that by definition it also includes the title of "teacher"
As Jesus was the eptiome of prophet and teacher equally, not being one or the other,
One detriment for going against Gods instruction in how he asks his church to utilize its authority is that Teachers are held to a higher standard.
It is Within this fact of being instructed that women are not to not exercise authority over men that even claiming or teaching over men is still flying under the radar undetected as being a
Prophetess..thereby going against Gods word exercising authority over men, since for the most part we know what we are taught.
Women are instructed to teach other women and children and within these guidelines we often see they dont teach the younger women to be subject to their husbands and instead teach from a stance of past issues which manifest as a stance of fear...
We are told not to live in fear.
It can be understandable if such women have endured some sort of past abuse from men
But it still doesnt justify usurping Gods still dont make it right simply if one "FEELS" strongly when it goes against Gods word.
Im certain Abraham did not FEEEEL good about having to be asked to sacrifice his son for no reason.
But obedience to the Lord is still higher...and look at the resulting blessings for it.
It is the enemy we know that wants us to live in fear, women to live in fear of mens authority, and women to live in fear of being submissive to their husband as God instructs.
When we see this stance it can be easily recognized that since therte is no fear in Christ and that anything not done of faith is sin.....the conclusion that teaching from a stance of fear is a tactic of the enemy and thereby also recognizable as a likely influence of the undermine mens authority in the church and household.
The authorities are in place by God not for Good conduct since good conduct need not be addressed but for bad conduct.
It is when bad conduct is addressed where terms like abusive and controlling start to emanate as a means to foster usurping the Authorities God has placed as servants for his good.
However...I would not disagree with women sharing experiences and insights into what they have learned from the Lord in their own life, and that men would be able to learn from such experiences.
Yet at the same time a person being "influenced" by the Jezebel spirit has not authority of their own, but borrows from the authority of another, hence how Jezebel was able to influence a nation(not on her own notice she borrows from the authority of men)
through Ahab.
As well we can notice the same infiltration in the church is authority still only granted by(borrowed from) men who either relented or allowed such. (often from the squeaky wheel gets greased tactic)
Most often when the JS authority is either challenged or taken away, the resistant spiritual influence will be manifest itself and be more easily recognized by showing resistance.
Often followed by threats, manipulation, direct lying of any accusation as a reason for removing her authority, as well as temper tantrums.
Including indirect death threats and intimidation.
t)n.1. A person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a god is expressed.
2. A person gifted with profound moral insight and exceptional powers of expression.
3. A predictor; a soothsayer.
4. The chief spokesperson of a movement or cause. (such as womens lib or femenism)
Women have a great place in the church and within Gods calling, they can be protected, loved, and upheld as cherished and important, yet spoiling or catering to wants was never in the equation.
God doesn not even spoil his church, since much like a child one knows it is wrong for the child to suddenly become the parent.
We can't parent the Father...he parents us...and it stands to good reason and wisdom which is higher than ones feelings or how one feels about a thing that Gods ways are higher than ours.
Jesus loves the church but he also said
"if you love will obey my commands."
Are we to call Christ manipulative or controlling for placing a condition both works within faith upon the church?
While yes its true many men have abused their God given authority
Solomon one of the wisest even let things go to his head.
Moses one of Gods great...was still punished for not obeying God perfectly as was said.
So who are we to tell the potter how to use his clay?
Now to be fair...honestly I dont want that authority, I dont want to be a teacher.
I dont want the responsibility that goes along with it.
I could say sure let women have at it
But........its just not how God outlined things to be...
So the men gotta stand for God even if it turns ones own mother or father or family against them.