by calling himself a black man, he is denying his white heritage, thus denying his mother. A mulatto man is not a black man. A mulatto man is someone of mixed races, both white and black. He is neither full black, nor full white, and to proclaim that he is full black is a lie.
Are you serious? Could you please read what I actually write instead of shoving words into my mouth? I did not say, nor am I trying to say that Obama is a demented freak like Hitler. I am simply pointing out that just because someone says there are something does not mean they really are that. I could go around all day saying I'm Muslim, but if I don't practice the Muslim faith and believe the Muslim ideals than I am not a Muslim. Likewise, Obama can go around all day saying he is a Christian, but if he does not practice his faith or truly believe in Christ than he is not a Christian. True, Obama could be a Christian, but we don't know what is in his heart, and his political actions sure point in the opposite direction.
Thank you for bashing my heritage. Don't judge a person until you walk a mile in her shoes honey. You don't know anything about being mulatto. And actions speak louder than words. He need not say "oh hey I'm better than mulattos" in order to give off that vibe. And I don't think he thinks he is better than mulattos. I just think that he knows politically he would not have gained as much support if he ran as a mulatto. People don't feel the same toward mulattos as they do towards blacks. You look at me and you don't see an oppressed black girl with the history of having ancestors who were slaves. You don't see someone that represents "how far America has come from its racist background" You just see a girl with a white dad and a black mom. But when you look at a black man you see all of that and you think that somehow you are supporting an intangiable ideal of equality.
I know first hand how blacks think of mulattos. We're "mixed." We're not truly black to them. If Obama had ran as a mulatto than he wouldn't have gotten as much support. Running as a black man made him a representative for the black race. People want to shove it in everyone elses' faces now and say "Look here, we have a black president. You hate black people, well too bad, because now you're being run by one." Obviously that statement wouldn't be as strong if we said "look here, we have a half-white man running the country now. I know, it's half the same as what you're used to, but he has some black heritage so that has to mean something, right?"