It's time to maybe think about getting some actual serious help for your computer addiction, when...
You realise you've formed an emotional attatchment to the moth that hangs around the light of the computer screen, and that you address her aloud and by name. (Yes, she is a girl. She's too pretty to be a boy).
You sometimes just want to hug the monitor when someone in chat says something lovely to you
You write your email adress on a form instead of your postal address
You develop a sixth sense about online hapennings. You abandon your groceries at the checkout prclaiming in super-hero tone, "Someone's in cyber-trouble!"
You start to feel popular, when you really don't have a popular personality
You are familiar with more emoticon codes than street names in your own neighbourhood
You look around and realise you're sitting outside in a pile of ash, becuase your house burnt down and you didn't notice. You were staring at the screent the whole time.
You wish you could just download a meal onto your plate
When you get yourself together in the morning you're more concerned about how you will look on camera than about how you will look in the sunlight
Your computer files are tidier than your house
You take your problems to a cc thread and make lighthearted jokes about them, instead of praying and taking them seriously
You invent avitar names for everyone you encounter