Thank you for pointing out that no one, whether man or woman, is safe from scams and catfishing in its many different forms.
I do feel particularly sorry for the men in that I've heard of scammers writing them and posing as 18-year-old girls, claiming their innocence, and that they want to ask some "questions" about life that quickly turn sexual, along with sending pictures.
They will then tell these men that they are in fact, underage, and will blackmail them for money or else the "girl" will threaten to turn them in for possession of child pornography and illegal sexual exchanges with a minor.
I don't know what someone can do to legally protect themselves in this situation but it's definitely something everyone should be aware of.
Long ago I used to write prison inmates as part of a ministry. A few warned me that Christians are considered the cream of the crop (ironically, the "Field White for Harvest") when it comes to scams because helping those in need is one of their core values. Some people will put in extra effort to take advantage of those who profess their faith.
And they delight in turning it against you. I had one inmate ask for money and when I refused, he quoted all the passages about how God tells us that we have a need we are to ask, and that we are not to send someone away empty-handed. He ended with the accusation, "(Seoul,) how is it that you have allowed Satan to so fill your heart?" (He was raised Christian and knew the Bible very well.) I wrote back and told him, "I actually did pray about this and God told me, 'Yeah, he's supposed to ask -- but he's supposed to ask ME, not you.'"
I truly believe God gave me that answer. Not everyone who asks you is meant to receive something from you, not even an answer. And that includes a "woman" or "young girl" who starts asking about the facts of life. I can just imagine what kinds of lines "she" will come up with -- she'll probably say she wants to know so that she can be a good wife and a blessing to "the man God has for her to marry" someday. Don't answer or direct "her" to someone legally qualified to give such advice and block them immediately for your own protection, keeping all records so you can prove you did not answer back in a way that can convict you.
But I also want to share the hope that there ARE good people out there you can meet only through writing.
Ironically, there was one inmate I did become friends with and he was the real deal -- when I sent him money, he hadn't asked for it but I knew he needed work shoes for his job -- and he sent it all back (not an easy feat with all the hoops you had to go through, as this was before some inmates were allowed email access.) He said all he wanted was for me to be his friend. God has done amazing things in his life and he is a complete turnaround story.
I eventually resent him $60 for a much-needed pair of work boots while he was still incarcerated and they had him working on the roof in the snow. He always sent receipts of what he did with anything I sent him as proof of his word. Years later, after he was out and working 2 full-time jobs, a package arrived on my doorstep -- containing a $200 pair of Nike shoes with the air-filled soles. I wasn't familiar with them because I'd never owned a pair of shoes that expensive in my life. He knew I was on my feet all day at MY job and he sent a note along with them saying, "I'm finally paying you back."
I have a long history of meeting people in person whom I've met first in writing -- including a pen pal from Japan back in the days when there was no internet and no public background checks -- she and her best friend flew over to see me. We set it all up with paper letters, not even a phone call, with each letter taking 2-3 weeks to reach the other person.
My sincere apologies, as I didn't mean to derail this very informative thread...
I pray that everyone will be stay safe but also be very careful about what what people are trying to sell or even ask them.
At the same time, don't give up hope and keep praying and asking God to lead you to the good people out there, because it's very much worth the hunt.
I do feel particularly sorry for the men in that I've heard of scammers writing them and posing as 18-year-old girls, claiming their innocence, and that they want to ask some "questions" about life that quickly turn sexual, along with sending pictures.
They will then tell these men that they are in fact, underage, and will blackmail them for money or else the "girl" will threaten to turn them in for possession of child pornography and illegal sexual exchanges with a minor.
I don't know what someone can do to legally protect themselves in this situation but it's definitely something everyone should be aware of.
Long ago I used to write prison inmates as part of a ministry. A few warned me that Christians are considered the cream of the crop (ironically, the "Field White for Harvest") when it comes to scams because helping those in need is one of their core values. Some people will put in extra effort to take advantage of those who profess their faith.
And they delight in turning it against you. I had one inmate ask for money and when I refused, he quoted all the passages about how God tells us that we have a need we are to ask, and that we are not to send someone away empty-handed. He ended with the accusation, "(Seoul,) how is it that you have allowed Satan to so fill your heart?" (He was raised Christian and knew the Bible very well.) I wrote back and told him, "I actually did pray about this and God told me, 'Yeah, he's supposed to ask -- but he's supposed to ask ME, not you.'"
I truly believe God gave me that answer. Not everyone who asks you is meant to receive something from you, not even an answer. And that includes a "woman" or "young girl" who starts asking about the facts of life. I can just imagine what kinds of lines "she" will come up with -- she'll probably say she wants to know so that she can be a good wife and a blessing to "the man God has for her to marry" someday. Don't answer or direct "her" to someone legally qualified to give such advice and block them immediately for your own protection, keeping all records so you can prove you did not answer back in a way that can convict you.
But I also want to share the hope that there ARE good people out there you can meet only through writing.
Ironically, there was one inmate I did become friends with and he was the real deal -- when I sent him money, he hadn't asked for it but I knew he needed work shoes for his job -- and he sent it all back (not an easy feat with all the hoops you had to go through, as this was before some inmates were allowed email access.) He said all he wanted was for me to be his friend. God has done amazing things in his life and he is a complete turnaround story.
I eventually resent him $60 for a much-needed pair of work boots while he was still incarcerated and they had him working on the roof in the snow. He always sent receipts of what he did with anything I sent him as proof of his word. Years later, after he was out and working 2 full-time jobs, a package arrived on my doorstep -- containing a $200 pair of Nike shoes with the air-filled soles. I wasn't familiar with them because I'd never owned a pair of shoes that expensive in my life. He knew I was on my feet all day at MY job and he sent a note along with them saying, "I'm finally paying you back."
I have a long history of meeting people in person whom I've met first in writing -- including a pen pal from Japan back in the days when there was no internet and no public background checks -- she and her best friend flew over to see me. We set it all up with paper letters, not even a phone call, with each letter taking 2-3 weeks to reach the other person.
My sincere apologies, as I didn't mean to derail this very informative thread...
I pray that everyone will be stay safe but also be very careful about what what people are trying to sell or even ask them.
At the same time, don't give up hope and keep praying and asking God to lead you to the good people out there, because it's very much worth the hunt.
Thanks, there is no giving up here...
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