I'm a terrible christian I need friends to help me be good

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Everyone needs a hero, but only Christ is the Savior...Become a Superhero by using the one Power God gave us all...Free Will. You decide what, when, and how but decide soon. Jesus Knocks at your Door, let Him guide you and filter out all those imperfections. Jesus Loves You! I know you can do it, drop those temptations and Follow God's Word. Be an example by improving from your situation and helping those who are in the same situation, YOU are a hero for those in the same path. Rise up ;) God Bless

"SuperHero" -CJ - YouTube


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2012
I get drunk I smoke I've had lots of sex with different men I cuss I get very angry at times, I fall out with friends and family I get into fights just not what you would expect a 100% christian girl to be. I love my god I really do and I believe in all his words and doings in the world and I believe he walks among us every day and second of our lives, I just have a really hard time following all the rules and I don't read the bible very often
Yuo said you have a hard time following all the rules. Do you not know that sin takes ocassion by the commandment? Also do you really want to be with God. God longs to be with you, all God is waiting for is you to belive in him not by rules and regulations for that really did not work with his first Chosen, they were constantly trying but just could not make it and every year they had to make a sacrifice and shed blood to cover the sins that they had comitted that year before year after year
And God got displeased with this and was never satisfied with the sacrifices of the blood of bulls and Goats. Therefore Jesus came in the fullness of time and his body was prepared for the final sacrifice and the last shedding of blood so that the sacrificial system that was in place would be done away with, and then through this final sacrifice by belief yours you will be free from Law and made righteous by God the Father of Christ but not of self/ of God you recieving his righteousness that you get to partake in and walk and talk with God the Father as a new creation of him in the Spirit of him not the flesh for Christ died in the Flesh ot take all your sins ever that you might commit and have committed to the grave and then by Faith God raises yopun to life a Spiritual one where it is a pleasure to serve God the Old Woman gone and see that old self as foolish and stupid seeing much better promises in the Spirit of Christ via the Holy Ghost
And this is all done by and through belief in the finished work of Christ


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2012
I want to walk with him but I'm scared of making the same mistakes. I want to be cleansed of all sin and walk with jesus
You are in from God's point of view seeing through his Son at you. It is by fear and focusing on what to do that keeps one trapped As a person sows so shall they reap. you are sowing to the flesh not wanting to do it, but make no mistake sowing thought of brings it to be your emotions know no right or wrong they predictably respond to wahtever you are tinhking. you think no drink no drink, what do you do you drink, you think no sex and again you have sex Emotions know no right or wrong and only respond to the subject that one is thinking about period. Therefore no one can change feelings and feelings are unpredictable up one day and down the next. So what is it we can do? We can change our thoughts and tha tis why the word calls for us to renew our minds. Waht do we renew them to? Truth God's truth, tell me if your thoughts are thankful praising
God loving, regardless what others say and oyu are focused on the fiunished work of Christ Jesus at the cross seeing that God has 100% completely forgiven you, what would be your response? Now if you doubt this waht would be your response? Yes in and out of thoughts that say I know I am saved and freed by God to I have to make myself better, as what happened to the Galatians over circumscicion. today it is over whether or not you work at it Read Galatians and askGod by God the Spirit of to reveal truth to you and be set free, now as you are learning and understanding understand that you:
1 John 2:1My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.
Thois is for you to grow in grace and learn form God how you did what you did as I explained the cause above


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2012
Sister, guilt can be removed only with confession and cleansing of the blood. nothing else,
and as you continue to walk with HIM, you will learn more and more
God bless
And adonai this is only back at the cross ther eis no more sacrifice for sin it is done before you or I or anyone else here today just pointing out your truth that you pointed out


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2012
ive done alot worse than that. you are in the middle of your testimony. dont give up fight hard!
Yes to enter into his rest as he is rested since the seventh day as in Hebrews 3 and 4 thanks jonrambo


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2012
Hi there. Just would like to ask you if you have repented for all the sins you have done? Because Jesus always said Repent for the Kingdom of God is near. When i muck up i always repent straight away. Yes we are tempted everyday to sin. But the more we sin the more we give the devil a foothold. The bible says resist the devil and he will flee. It is not easy to enter Heaven as Jesus said to try your best to enter in the narrow gate because the road to life is hard and only a few that find it. I am not trying to scare you, but Hell is very real. If any man tempts you tell them that you want God in your life not them unless of course you are married. I would suggest you get on your face and fall to the ground and Repent seriously and turn from your ways. There is more christians going to Hell then Heaven. God said be Holy as He is Holy and without Holiness no man will see the Lord. We must try our very best to enter in the narrow way. Because Hell is forever. Fear God. Jesus said not to worry about those who kill the body and after that can do no more but rather fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in Hell. God bless you abundandly. Pray, pray and pray and fast if you have to. Go to church and talk about this to your pastors. They might be able to help you. But take this all to God in Prayer and ask Him to deliever you, for your soul depends on this.
For me what i have learned is that if one sows to the flesh that one shall reap the flesh. Therefore I found me trying as you have said above and did not realize that I was thinking of flesh trying to stop and therefore never could then I came to the conclusion tha I never can and stopped thinking of the Flesh as in trying to stop it. A little later down the road I realized that I was not reaping the flesh got a little proud and boastful and there I was right back into the trap of the flesh again and Now God has got me thinking on God and yes I could go back and try to see if I can stop it with God's help the flesh that that is but I prefer having my conscience purged of even thinking about sin, because by thinking of it and pondering it just draws one right back to sin therefore I am glad for whenever I do and learn waht tricked me back there
1 John 2:1My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2011
folks she's banned. she isn't here to read this.
Feb 11, 2012
I think who ever this person is, is playing games with this forum, I think you call them trollers, but forgive me if I am wrong, whoever this very confused and misguided person is, needs to stop playing games here, and take the advice that was given to him or her last week when she or he posted about the same message.

But I hope many are shocked by what this person writes, its really what most who profess Christ end up as, who have never repented,and are declared just a poor wretched sinner, living in great rebellion to God, mocking Him every day with their carnal mind and heart, and on their way to the pit unless they repent as commanded!

You have been given the truth, either obey it, or stop posting your nonsense on these forums!

Psa 7:9 O let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish the just. For the righteous God tries the minds and hearts.
Psa 7:10 My defense is from God, who saves the upright in heart.
Psa 7:11 God judges the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.
Psa 7:12 If he does not turn, He will sharpen His sword; He has bent His bow and made it ready.

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Feb 11, 2012
Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God does not want to condemn you, He wants to save you, i have had a pretty awful full of sin life aswell. i have basically broken all the ten commandments but when GOD saved me, and i decided to walk with HIM, be dilligent in reading HIs word, and praying, He removed my anger, He helped me with countless sins that i struggled with, and yet i am a work in Progress and when you give ALL YOUR HAVE AND ARE TO CHRIST right now and decide to live for HIM, He will do the very same for you, He will cleanse you of your sins, and wash them all out.

1Jn 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

JESUS can change you, and HE values you more than you think.
Heaven rejoices when you REPENT (Change your mind), and showing dilligence to follow HIM no matter WHAT.

Heaven rejoices when you do this first:

If anyone serves Me!

Joh 12:26 If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there also My servant shall be. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.
To serve Jesus is to follow Him, His great example of holiness, purity, and moral fortitude; they both go hand in hand, where serving Jesus constitutes the whole existence and being of the soul!
To serve Jesus, we must use all of our life to minister to Him, in all our thoughts, words and deeds, that should be brought forth in all purity, sincerity and love, where the greatest joy we can muster in our short lives is built upon our service to Him, and receiving the honor of almighty God!
There is nothing more satisfying in this godless world than offering up our whole life to God, by serving and ministering to Jesus, as we follow Him through the good and bad things that will occur throughout our life.
Now some teach that serving Jesus is not the gospel, and if we even try, we are out of the will of God, and taking matters into our own hands, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth!
Many also teach that if you do not belong to the organized church, and serving God through their various ministries, then you are in great sin and disobedience, because they see heart purity and obedience to Jesus as works and unable to be obtained this side of heaven. Where works unto God are good outer works such as serving at the church dinners, or cleaning the church parking lot, and giving tithes and teaching in various ministries.
Rom 14:18 For he who serves Christ in these things is well-pleasing to God, and approved by men.
But lo and behold, not many have any idea what it means to serve and obey these things of God from the heart, where the heart is made pure through the repentance process, now broken and made acceptable to God, cleansed and purged from all evil, guile, hate, envy, and lust, a ready vessel, walking the crucified life unto God in service and honor!
This is what true service to God is, a cleansed and purged mind, set free once and for all from the corrupting influence of sin, now walking in His glorious light, standing strong against the wiles of the devil, where everything you do, think and say is a sweet smelling aroma to God, coming from a heart devoted to Him, walking in newness of life, where the renewing of the mind has taken place, now totally focused on obeying the Lord from a heart made pure through faith!
But with this faithful service comes many hardships and trials promised by Jesus:
Joh 15:19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
Joh 15:20 Remember the word that I said to you; the servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept My saying, they will also keep yours.
A true servant knows His master, and obeys all His commands, thus becomes a true friend of Jesus Christ, a bondservant, no greater than Jesus, and will receive persecution and disdain, because Jesus wasn’t send to remove any of our trials for His name sake, but to give us strength to be a strong servant through them all, bold in His name and power, remembering what He and many of His true followers went through to endure to the end and receive their prize of eternal life!
Joh 14:15 If you love Me, keep My commandments.
Joh 15:10 If you keep My commandments, you shall abide in My love, even as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.
Rev 22:14 Blessed are they that DO his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Jesus said “TO DO” but rebellious mankind says “I CANT” Jesus said “FOLLOW ME” mankind says “ITS TOO DIFFICULT” Jesus said “SERVE AND OBEY” mankind says “THIS IS NOT THE GOSPEL, OBEDIENCE ISNT NECESSARY OR A MANDATE AND SERVING CHRIST IS IMPOSSIBLE “!
1Jn 3:24 And he who keeps His commandment dwells in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit which He gave to us.


Why exactly was she banned?


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2012
We aren't allowed to discuss bans. But a little bird told me that, in general, if you check their last 10 posts from their profile page, you'll often see why. (Not always, as some offences are over PM's.)
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