Hi, sorry for the "drama title". I am a 32 year old single lady. I don't have friends. I will love to meet good christian friends. I have tried to make friends in church and other christian gatherings, but each time it seems they already have their own little group of friends. I just can't seem to break in. There's no really one on one meetings, always group meetings and at the end of the meetings everyone goes about their personal group of friends etc. I get left all alone again.It is a big church and it's hard for me to get connected. All communication is mostly through e-mail, it is so unpersonal. I am very lonely, no friends, nobody to talk to and it leaves me very very depressed all the time. Please I need friends, good christian friends. If possible I can meet one on one. I am always sad and unhappy. I always feel weird and odd because I don't have any friend at all. I need to talk to people, I feel that If I remain like this I'm gonna get more deppressed and sometimes I start having feelings of self-destruction. I'm a committed Christian.
God bless you
I know EXACTLY what you're talkin' about. Meeting friends is hard enough because of the "we already have a group and you're not in it" vibe that people put off sometimes, and then Christian friends are even harder to find because being Christian is very "uncool" to the world, so there aren't a lot of them around.. And many that call themselves Christian aren't, and they categorize you as a "holy-roller" or "bible-beater" if you want to actually try to follow Christ instead of just listening to a preacher talk about him for one hour a week.
I recently moved to New Mexico for a job. I lived most of my life around Dallas, TX and am originally from South Arkansas. I have two co-workers here who were room-mates previously, so they stick together, and they tend to want to drink which I am trying not to do... and of course I'm a "loser" in their eyes for not wanting to get wasted and pick up drunk chicks to take home from the bar.. Honestly I don't get that. I mean, I tried that in my 20's, and I don't see how people still chase that dragon. There's nothing at the end of that chase but emptiness.
If you are sad, people will sense it and won't want to be near you because you will suck out their energy. Do you have any friends in that you talk to on the phone? I have a buddy that I talk to regularly that I would consider a best friend. I also have another life-long best friend that I talk to once in a blue moon.. I don't have a TV because I think TV's are adult pacifiers when abused, and I don't know many people who don't abuse them. I'm busier than most people I've ever met.. writing songs, working out/running, reading/studying. I don't even want friends per se; honestly, for me, I just miss having a woman around. The hair, the scent, the sharing, the touch. Just that closeness of a relationship. But I know that I'll just keep getting in dead-end relationships if I don't take a step of faith and remain abstinent.
I know one thing, if you feel sorry for yourself, you will be like a black hole to other people. You have to remain positive, thankful, forgiving, warm, friendly.. or just Christ-like if that's easier to remember. I hope you see that you're not the only one going through this. God has a plan.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He
is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”