I wasn't directly referring to you with that comment about no Bible. I just hear it thrown around so much (or at me!) everytime I try to read the Greek. Sorry if you thought that was specifically referring to you! But, you keep reposting the same comment over, to defend your annihilationism. That is bad hermeneutics. If something has lots of support, make a doctrine for it. It there is no much support, or the support is iffy (like using Strong's for a definition!) then, try not to make it a doctrine.
What is the comment I keep reposting over and over and have you actually read my posts? I have given the verses I feel support that God may give some the leniency of destruction (which is so awful to me that I only call it leniency in relation to a neverending torture.) I think I've found a lot of support for what I suspect/think/believe. I do not think it is terribly iffy.
I do think the whole post was directed at me. Go back and read your post again. It really was directed to me because you strongly felt I was not okay. And that's fine. There's no problem with you directing a post to me. You don't have to deny it was directed to me. You should know by now you can freely speak to me and with me and I'm not going to get mad or offended.
Lastly, I didn't think you were attacking me...I just thought you were giving me a tongue lashing.