You have 3 major obsticles, Illiteracy, science and superstition. The printing press was invented about 500 years ago, what books they had were written by hand, rare and expensive, most people couldn't read, Bible storys were fictionalized. Apples and snakes, lions with a thorn in their paw or a toothache, Noah being afloat for 40 days & nights [it was 365] eternal virgins. Made up children's stories. Because it was a sin to question or doubt the RCC and most people couldn't check for themselves. The true stories were graphic, sexy and violent than the church wanted us to know about.
Science, the scientific method is not to believe anything that can't be measured, tested, weighed and repeated. That is why faith is the cornerstone of our realization. Who can measure God? Who can repeat God, as if he'd put up with it? It took me years to reconcile my hope with faith. Because when I was25 I didn't believe either.
Studying and being around faithful people brought me around. Faith can be contagous share some with him.