A couple months ago I was walking to my car at my University library and I was approached by two young men who told me if I wanted to hear about how God was actually a woman. I was not really familiar with any religions that believed that God was a woman so I wanted to hear more about what religion they were talking about. To my utter shock and horror, one of the men pulled out a Christian bible and showed me passages they believed to describing God as a woman. I had to stare at them in the face long enough to consider whether they were being serious or if they were some seriously confused people. If my memory serves me correct, they used passages from scripture describing the marriage support of the lamb as support for the Holy Spirit as being confused by most Christian, and is, according to them, a female God. I thought they were some type of Mormonist at first but when I asked them what denomination they were they told me Non-denomination Christian. Even more shocked then before because I attend a non-denomination church. Leaving these two behind I have been questioning the Non-denominations inability to choose a particular set of fixed beliefs held in scripture. I feel that if the church these two young men attend can claim Non-denomination, with their clear misguided standards of belief, then what is to stop the LGBT community or other liberal communities from coming in and using Non-denomination's lack of fixed standards to validate a dangerous doctrinal group with the label of Christian attached to it.
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