Learning to be completely emotionally dependent on the LORD is one of life's greatest challenges for some people, and maybe for all people. You know the kind of challenge - a challenge that has one repeating and reviewing lessons that were studied previously before! This causes us to ask, "Why here again, LORD?" We must have missed something the first time around!
Some of us are so given to depending on others and given to attempting to fill the God-shaped void in ourselves with another human being. Myself included. And, as our home church Pastor recently related to us, self-indulgence is pleasurable, but the longer we seek after that pleasure as our top priority, the more difficult it is to turn round and run to the LORD. Eventually, all self-indulgence will lead to a "bloody mess," but by His great grace, He keeps calling us back, offering us escape routes to turn and run back to Him!
It is one of the greatest lies of Satan perhaps, that GOD alone is not enough for us when in actuality, He is more than enough. This is such a difficult thing for some of us to comprehend, is it not? Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I appreciated your warning to carefully consider the source of our emotional support. I do know, however, that the LORD uses His people as tools to support His children when they need it, and He always uses just the right tool for the right purpose so that the finished product could not be more perfect! So, the LORD can use people to meet our emotional needs, or maybe He will not use people at all, depending on His design. Thank you for sharing your concerns about the source of our emotional support with OP.