Last spring I became 'acquaintanced' with a couple thru a friend on facebook. They had adopted a disabled African boy named Seda. I go thru the Omaha terminal on average twice a month and usually I'm just trying to get out of there and on my way. But once I was drawn to stop for a cup of coffee. And what's on the lid of this cup? The name Seda, the company that made it. So I ask for a couple more, they say sure, and I send them off to this couple.
They loved it. Wanted more. Real appreciative. Sure, I say, next trip thru the airport I'll get some more.
The day I was at the airport, Seda went in for a minor surgery and died from the anesthesia.
Everyone was crushed. Because he had a fair social media presence, the couple wanted to do some fundraisers to support the organization that brought him to them. They started with t-shirts and sweatshirts, and said they wanted to do coffee cups.
So I said hang on, let me run with that. I contacted the Seda International corporation, explained what was going on, and would they be willing to donate Seda branded coffee materials. They said absolutely.
So. Up to this point I'm guessing this is another case of God putting me in the right place at the right time, right? A chance to show a little of His love and generosity for strangers and be charitable towards a good cause. I'm not wrong in thinking that, am I?
Then the walls. Always the walls.
One thing after another after another after another kept pushing the project back until it was too late, whatever momentum there was for this kid had spent it's days and was ebbing. So the decision was made that further work towards the project would be futile and it was scrubbed.
Stymied, stonewalled, and irrelevant.
I want that on my headstone.