That sounds more like something God chooses to give or not give, rather than some trick to learn.
But, really, our capacity to see Anything how God sees it is almost nil. We can interpret what we know filtered through our limited human capacities, but even then we can't fully grasp it how God would.
Nor does it seem a requirement to know it so deeply. Our focus should be on love, preaching the gospel, helpibg others, personal spiritual growth with God, etc...
Anything beyond that would seem to be directed by God according to the part of "the body" we are called into.
Many Christians become hyperfocused on less important issues that they feel makes them somehow more special, while neglecting the day to day walk that is the core priority.
So I'd suggest such interests should be minimized until/if god decides to grant you a gifting in that area. If you aren't even living up to the core tenants why would He grant you more?
I even remember seeing this in action years ago. A time when I was younger and more outspoken about my faith and sharing it more freely. I found myself in tune with more areas I wasn't even trying to learn, such as discernment. And as I got away from those core principles I began not being in touch with those things as well.