Thats crazy, so how old were you wen you bought your first gun. Is it everyone just gets one when they turn 16 or something like everyone is supposed to learns to drive but in america you meant to learn how to shoot?
Do they teach it in school? I always thought that high schools should teach driving rather than just leave it for amateurs and anyone can get behind a wheel.
Back in the 70s shooting was a school sport, called marksmanship, we also used to have archery in school, as part of physical education.
I learned gun safety, and hunters education in elementary school. There were no school shootings in those days. I have had guns in my home all my life, and had my first gun at 12. My children were also raised with guns. We hunt, and participate in shooting sports. Where I am from it's common place. I have never had a gun pulled on me and neither have I ever had to pull mine on a human. I'm hoping that I never have to, and it looks like my hopes will not be dashed.
Guns are not the problem, lack of respect for life, lack of discipline, lack of any real repercussions for bad behavior, and of course mental illness are the problems. In America we have a huge mental health crisis, that could be handled if we would, but we prefer to just dope folks up.
I am pro one gun control law that sounds harsh but would definitely help reel in the violence. If you are willing to use a gun to commit a crime it should be a capital offense. Not 20 year down the road either; 30 days.
There is a bit of irony that goes with the gun control issue, most of the violent crimes committed with a gun in America, are committed in the most difficult places to obtain a gun. Cities like Chicago, and LosAngeles are bloody rampant. 16 people were murdered in Chicago this weekend, and it's a weekly event.
I personally don't care what any one shop decides to do. If they stop selling ammunition, what ever; I don't shop there anyway.