I think it would be funny if people's souls weren't involved.

TULIP cannot be defined and defended as God's plan using proper exegesis and Soteriology.
The tragic and I mean really tragic part of TULIP defenders exhortations , be they Piper or some other adherent in the pulpit or on YouTube, or just supposed faithful in online forums is this. They do not realize the image and likeness of the god they worship under that mantel is not only not the actual God of Abraham but is His adversary; Satan.
Unless or until those devotees find their way to the light of Christ, they're doomed.
They have ears but they do not hear, can't because they were made totally depraved first. They have eyes but they do not see, same reason. Romans 10:17: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."
The reality of their conviction however insures they shall not do so. Because they first and foremost believe, they are incapable in and of themselves. They believe that the god of TULIP has put them where he wants them to be.
God would that none should perish.
TULIP says, its god predetermined damnation after he predetermined whom he'd rescue from that fate. Then he'd make them to be in his grace, and he'd make them to have faith in him. So that forever in this life they shall ever remain saved from the condition TULIP's god created for them.
This is why people hearing of the OSAS (Once Saved Always Saved) doctrine and who are not of the TULIP formula denounce it as not of God.
I think it is because of the smear TULIP has put upon it. Perseverance of its saints, saved no matter what they do, being they are still totally depraved, but....saved....having faith.....in the grace.....the god that thinks total depravity + grace+faith ='s salvation.
Is it any wonder John Calvin was an unrepentant accomplice to premeditated first degree murder of Michael Servetus?
He was in the service of his TULIP god.
And right he was too.
That's how we know TULIP's god is not our God.
As if we need more scripture.
Of course, we always need more scripture.
Compiled by John Henry