Another episode from Above God's Name. Man, The Cross and The KJV. Author G. Jon Rov, of the book "Concealed From Christians for the Glory of God, The 1611 KJV" and Christian Rap Artist and Pastor of Prophecy Christian Ministries, The Prophet X, bring another exciting and revelation packed episode to you discussing chapter 14 of the book regarding Jesus and the Nature of the Bible. This clear and concise teaching from the King James Bible that the KJV is the finished word of God.
Further Description:
"The Cross is the vortex center of the world and history. From the beginning, the Bible and Jesus were always moving closer to this center point and to each other, until they would meet in person at the Cross. All things working together, Jesus literally crossed paths with the Bible at the Cross to share sufferings. It was necessary, due to their two fold nature, that they die together in picture. And so, it was: And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS... and it was written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin (John 19:19, 20).
"You might think that the call to "come down from the cross" only applies to Jesus, but it also applies to the Bible. It too had to pass through death in order to mature in life and take its high and lifted up place at God's right hand. The death of the Bible took place with Jesus on the cross at the hands of wicked men. But how? Am I saying that Jesus, who is the Word of God, was crucified, therefore the Bible in Him as well? I am saying that, but I am also saying much, much more."
Even as the Romans did not know they had nailed Jesus, the Word of God, to the cross, so they did not know they had nailed the Bible, the word of God to the cross either. Both had been crucified. The Spirit gives a second witness to this through Paul in Colossians 2:14, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross. " The choice of the word "blotting" refers to the blood of Jesus. The "handwriting of ordinances" refers to the law given to Moses written by God's finger. This amounts to the Bible, and "it" was nailed to "his cross" when Pilate nailed the "superscription" to the cross. The second point that we must see is that the "superscription" was written in "Hebrew and Greek and Latin." This was prophetically representing the plenary of the Bible which had been nailed to the cross. As the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, this was the seed of the Bible. The emerging New Testament, written in Greek, was the growth. The Latin, of course, was the seed of English, and therefore represented the maturity of the Bible as it would come to be In the King James Version."
- Brother G. John Rov, Concealed from Christian's for the Glory of the God (The 1611 KJV, The King James Bible Authorized Version, Pgs. 54-55)
Further Description:
"The Cross is the vortex center of the world and history. From the beginning, the Bible and Jesus were always moving closer to this center point and to each other, until they would meet in person at the Cross. All things working together, Jesus literally crossed paths with the Bible at the Cross to share sufferings. It was necessary, due to their two fold nature, that they die together in picture. And so, it was: And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS... and it was written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin (John 19:19, 20).
"You might think that the call to "come down from the cross" only applies to Jesus, but it also applies to the Bible. It too had to pass through death in order to mature in life and take its high and lifted up place at God's right hand. The death of the Bible took place with Jesus on the cross at the hands of wicked men. But how? Am I saying that Jesus, who is the Word of God, was crucified, therefore the Bible in Him as well? I am saying that, but I am also saying much, much more."
Even as the Romans did not know they had nailed Jesus, the Word of God, to the cross, so they did not know they had nailed the Bible, the word of God to the cross either. Both had been crucified. The Spirit gives a second witness to this through Paul in Colossians 2:14, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross. " The choice of the word "blotting" refers to the blood of Jesus. The "handwriting of ordinances" refers to the law given to Moses written by God's finger. This amounts to the Bible, and "it" was nailed to "his cross" when Pilate nailed the "superscription" to the cross. The second point that we must see is that the "superscription" was written in "Hebrew and Greek and Latin." This was prophetically representing the plenary of the Bible which had been nailed to the cross. As the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, this was the seed of the Bible. The emerging New Testament, written in Greek, was the growth. The Latin, of course, was the seed of English, and therefore represented the maturity of the Bible as it would come to be In the King James Version."
- Brother G. John Rov, Concealed from Christian's for the Glory of the God (The 1611 KJV, The King James Bible Authorized Version, Pgs. 54-55)
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