Jesus put it on my heart to post the following:
The math to get the center of the map of the world (comment #1844, above):
Glory to God.
The length of a great cubit comes from the size of a Roman foot, that comes from the book:
A DISCOVRSE OF THE ROMANE FOOT, AND DENARIVS: From whence, as from two principles, THE MEASVRES, AND WEIGHTS, used by the Ancients, may be deduced. By JOHN GREAVES, Professor of Astronomy in the Vniversity of Oxford. LONDON, Printed by M.F. for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Turkshead in Fleet-street. 1647. (pages 22, 41)
1 Roman foot = 11.604 inches (1,934 ÷ 2,000 = 0.967, 0.967 × 12 = 11.604)
1 hand breadth = 2.901 inches (11.604 inches ÷ 4 = 2.901)
1 finger breadth = 0.72525 inch (2.901 inches ÷ 4 = 0.72525)
1 hand span (distance from the end of the thumb to the end of the little finger of a stretched out hand) = 8.703 inches (2.901 inches × 3 = 8.703)
1 cubit = 17.406 inches (2.901 inches × 6 = 17.406) = 1.4505 foot (17.406 inches ÷ 12 = 1.4505) = 1 foot, 5.406 inches (0.4505 foot × 12 = 5.406) = 1 cubit "after the cubit of a man" (Deuteronomy 3:11), "after the first measure" (2 Chronicles 3:3), and "according to the measure of a man" (Revelation 21:17)
1 great cubit (used for all of Ezekiel [chapters] 40 - 48) = 20.307 inches (2.901 inches × 7 = 20.307) = 1.69225 foot (20.307 inches ÷ 12 = 1.69225) = 1 foot, 8.307 inches (0.69225 foot × 12 = 8.307) = 1 "great" (Ezekiel 41:8) cubit, and a "cubit and an hand breadth" (Ezekiel 40:5, 43:13)
1 full reed (used for all of Ezekiel [chapters] 40 - 48) = 121.842 inches (20.307 inches × 6 = 121.842) = 10.1535 feet (121.842 inches ÷ 12 = 10.1535) = 10 feet, 1.842 inch (0.1535 foot × 12 = 1.842) = 1 "full reed of six great cubits" (Ezekiel 41:8)
1 foot = 0.3048 meter
1 statute mile = 5,280 feet = 0.86897624190064794816414686825051 nautical mile (1 statute mile = 1.609344 kilometer, 1 nautical mile = 1,852 meters = 1.852 kilometer, 1 nautical mile = 1.852 kilometer ÷ 1.609344 = 1.1507794480235425117314881094409 statute mile, 1 statute mile = 1 nautical mile ÷ 1.1507794480235425117314881094409 = 0.86897624190064794816414686825051)
From the center of the world, the top of mount Zion, the center of “the most holy place” (Ezekiel 41:4) of the temple, Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N Longitude 035.23474576723702749802271754038037° E, due east at sea level to the center of the temple altar, in the center of the inner court of the temple (Ezekiel 40:47, 43:13-17), Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N Longitude 035.235401° E, is 120 great cubits:
10 great cubits (Ezekiel 41:4 [20 great cubits ÷ 2]) + 40 great cubits (Ezekiel 41:2) + 20 great cubits (Ezekiel 40:49) + 26.5 great cubits (Ezekiel 40:47 [100 great cubits ÷ 2 = 50 great cubits, 50 great cubits - 23.5 great cubits (Ezekiel 43:13,14,16,17) = 26.5]), including going down the 11 steps (Ezekiel 40:49, 41:8 [6 great cubits = 121.842 inches, 121.842 inches ÷ 11.604 inches (1 step) = 10.5 steps (121.842 inches), so you have to add another 0.5 step (5.802 inches), 10.5 steps (121.842 inches) + 0.5 step (5.802 inches) = 11 steps (127.644 inches or 10.637 feet)]) + 0.5 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:17) + 14 great cubits (Ezekiel 43:17) + 1 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:13) +1 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:14) + 1 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:14) + 6 great cubits (Ezekiel 43:16 [12 great cubits ÷ 2]) = 120 great cubits = 0.03342102375809935205183585313175 nautical mile (203.07 feet ÷ 5,280 = 0.03846022727272727272727272727273 statute mile, 0.03846022727272727272727272727273 statute mile × 0.86897624190064794816414686825051 = 0.03342102375809935205183585313175) = 203.07 feet (1.69225 foot × 120 = 203.07) = 61.895736 meters (203.07 feet × 0.3048 = 61.895736)
From the center of the temple altar, in the center of the inner court of the temple (Ezekiel 40:47, 43:13-17), Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N Longitude 035.235401° E, due north at sea level to the top of the Foundation Stone, the “mountain” (Ezekiel 40:2, 43:12), the center of the outer side of the north “gate” (Ezekiel 40:3,20) of the outer court of the temple, Latitude 31.778000° N Longitude 035.235401° E, is 250 great cubits:
6 great cubits (Ezekiel 43:16 [12 great cubits ÷ 2]) + 1 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:14) + 1 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:14) + 1 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:13) + 14 great cubits (Ezekiel 43:17) + 0.5 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:17) + 26.5 great cubits (Ezekiel 40:47 [100 great cubits ÷ 2 = 50 great cubits, 50 great cubits - 23.5 great cubits (Ezekiel 43:13,14,16,17) = 26.5 great cubits]) + 50 great cubits (Ezekiel 40:36) + 100 great cubits (Ezekiel 40:23), including going down the 8 steps (Ezekiel 40:37) + 50 great cubits (Ezekiel 40:21) = 250 great cubits = 0.06962713282937365010799136069114 nautical mile (423.0625 feet ÷ 5,280 = 0.08012547348484848484848484848485 statute mile, 0.08012547348484848484848484848485 statute mile × 0.86897624190064794816414686825051 = 0.06962713282937365010799136069114) = 423.0625 feet (1.69225 foot × 250 = 423.0625) = 128.94945 meters (423.0625 feet × 0.3048 = 128.94945)
The Foundation Stone of Jerusalem, Israel, the “mountain” (Ezekiel 40:2, 43:12), the center of the outer side of the north “gate” (Ezekiel 40:3,20), is position:
Latitude 31.778000° N
Longitude 035.235401° E
Latitude 31° 46’ 40.8” N
Longitude 035° 14’ 7.4436” E
Latitude 31.778000° N = Latitude 31° 46’ 40.8” N
1° of latitude = 60’ of latitude
0.778000° of latitude × 60 = 46.68’ of latitude
1’ of latitude = 60” of latitude
0.68’ of latitude × 60 = 40.8” of latitude
Longitude 035.235401° E = Longitude 035° 14’ 7.4436” E
1° of longitude = 60’ of longitude
0.235401° of longitude × 60 = 14.12406’ of longitude
1’ of longitude = 60” of longitude
0.12406’ of longitude × 60 = 7.4436” of longitude
60 nautical miles = 1° of latitude
0.06962713282937365010799136069114 nautical mile ÷ 60 = 0.00116045221382289416846652267819° of latitude
Latitude 31.778000° N - 0.00116045221382289416846652267819° of latitude = Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
The center of the temple altar, in the center of the inner court of the temple (Ezekiel 40:47, 43:13-17), is position:
Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
Longitude 035.235401° E
Latitude 31° 46’ 36.6223720302375809935205183592” N
Longitude 035° 14’ 7.4436” E
Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N = Latitude 31° 46’ 36.6223720302375809935205183592” N
1° of latitude = 60’ of latitude
0.776839547786177105831533477322° of latitude × 60 = 46.61037286717062634989200863932’ of latitude
1’ of latitude = 60” of latitude
0.61037286717062634989200863932’ of latitude × 60 = 36.6223720302375809935205183592” of latitude
π = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
1° of longitude on a sphere at the Equator = 69.046766881412550703889286566453 statute miles (360° of latitude × 60 = 21,600 nautical miles, 21,600 nautical miles × 1.1507794480235425117314881094409 = 24,856.836077308518253400143163923 statute miles, 24,856.836077308518253400143163923 statute miles ÷ 360 = 69.04676688141255070388928656645)
Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N ÷ 180° = 0.17653799748770098392128629709623
0.17653799748770098392128629709623 × π = 0.55461047598681478619796532618491
Cos(0.55461047598681478619796532618491) (in Radians) = 0.85010563285640438109247192085087
0.85010563285640438109247192085087 × 69.046766881412550703889286566453 statute miles = 58.697045456411839126374149867866 statute miles is the distance of 1° of longitude at Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
1° of longitude = 60’ of longitude
58.697045456411839126374149867866 statute miles ÷ 60 = 0.97828409094019731877290249779777 statute miles is the distance of 1’ of longitude at Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
1’ of longitude = 60” of longitude
0.97828409094019731877290249779777 statute miles ÷ 60 = 0.01630473484900328864621504162996 statute miles is the distance of 1” of longitude at Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
0.01630473484900328864621504162996 statute miles × 5,280 = 86.089000002737364052015419806189 feet
203.07 feet ÷ 86.089000002737364052015419806189 feet = 2.3588379467010071182168546306546” of longitude at Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
Longitude 035° 14’ 7.4436” E - 2.3588379467010071182168546306546” of longitude = Longitude 035° 14’ 5.0847620532989928817831453693454” E
The center of the world, the top of mount Zion, the center of “the most holy place” (Ezekiel 41:4) of the temple, is position:
Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
Longitude 035.23474576723702749802271754038037° E
Latitude 31° 46’ 36.6223720302375809935205183592” N
Longitude 035° 14’ 5.0847620532989928817831453693454” E
Longitude 035° 14’ 5.0847620532989928817831453693454” E = Longitude 035.23474576723702749802271754038037° E
60” of longitude = 1’ of longitude
5.0847620532989928817831453693454” of longitude ÷ 60 = 0.08474603422164988136305242282242’ of longitude
60’ of longitude = 1° of longitude
14.08474603422164988136305242282242’ of longitude ÷ 60 = 0.23474576723702749802271754038037° of longitude
The math to get the center of the map of the world (comment #1844, above):
Glory to God.
The length of a great cubit comes from the size of a Roman foot, that comes from the book:
A DISCOVRSE OF THE ROMANE FOOT, AND DENARIVS: From whence, as from two principles, THE MEASVRES, AND WEIGHTS, used by the Ancients, may be deduced. By JOHN GREAVES, Professor of Astronomy in the Vniversity of Oxford. LONDON, Printed by M.F. for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Turkshead in Fleet-street. 1647. (pages 22, 41)
1 Roman foot = 11.604 inches (1,934 ÷ 2,000 = 0.967, 0.967 × 12 = 11.604)
1 hand breadth = 2.901 inches (11.604 inches ÷ 4 = 2.901)
1 finger breadth = 0.72525 inch (2.901 inches ÷ 4 = 0.72525)
1 hand span (distance from the end of the thumb to the end of the little finger of a stretched out hand) = 8.703 inches (2.901 inches × 3 = 8.703)
1 cubit = 17.406 inches (2.901 inches × 6 = 17.406) = 1.4505 foot (17.406 inches ÷ 12 = 1.4505) = 1 foot, 5.406 inches (0.4505 foot × 12 = 5.406) = 1 cubit "after the cubit of a man" (Deuteronomy 3:11), "after the first measure" (2 Chronicles 3:3), and "according to the measure of a man" (Revelation 21:17)
1 great cubit (used for all of Ezekiel [chapters] 40 - 48) = 20.307 inches (2.901 inches × 7 = 20.307) = 1.69225 foot (20.307 inches ÷ 12 = 1.69225) = 1 foot, 8.307 inches (0.69225 foot × 12 = 8.307) = 1 "great" (Ezekiel 41:8) cubit, and a "cubit and an hand breadth" (Ezekiel 40:5, 43:13)
1 full reed (used for all of Ezekiel [chapters] 40 - 48) = 121.842 inches (20.307 inches × 6 = 121.842) = 10.1535 feet (121.842 inches ÷ 12 = 10.1535) = 10 feet, 1.842 inch (0.1535 foot × 12 = 1.842) = 1 "full reed of six great cubits" (Ezekiel 41:8)
1 foot = 0.3048 meter
1 statute mile = 5,280 feet = 0.86897624190064794816414686825051 nautical mile (1 statute mile = 1.609344 kilometer, 1 nautical mile = 1,852 meters = 1.852 kilometer, 1 nautical mile = 1.852 kilometer ÷ 1.609344 = 1.1507794480235425117314881094409 statute mile, 1 statute mile = 1 nautical mile ÷ 1.1507794480235425117314881094409 = 0.86897624190064794816414686825051)
From the center of the world, the top of mount Zion, the center of “the most holy place” (Ezekiel 41:4) of the temple, Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N Longitude 035.23474576723702749802271754038037° E, due east at sea level to the center of the temple altar, in the center of the inner court of the temple (Ezekiel 40:47, 43:13-17), Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N Longitude 035.235401° E, is 120 great cubits:
10 great cubits (Ezekiel 41:4 [20 great cubits ÷ 2]) + 40 great cubits (Ezekiel 41:2) + 20 great cubits (Ezekiel 40:49) + 26.5 great cubits (Ezekiel 40:47 [100 great cubits ÷ 2 = 50 great cubits, 50 great cubits - 23.5 great cubits (Ezekiel 43:13,14,16,17) = 26.5]), including going down the 11 steps (Ezekiel 40:49, 41:8 [6 great cubits = 121.842 inches, 121.842 inches ÷ 11.604 inches (1 step) = 10.5 steps (121.842 inches), so you have to add another 0.5 step (5.802 inches), 10.5 steps (121.842 inches) + 0.5 step (5.802 inches) = 11 steps (127.644 inches or 10.637 feet)]) + 0.5 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:17) + 14 great cubits (Ezekiel 43:17) + 1 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:13) +1 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:14) + 1 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:14) + 6 great cubits (Ezekiel 43:16 [12 great cubits ÷ 2]) = 120 great cubits = 0.03342102375809935205183585313175 nautical mile (203.07 feet ÷ 5,280 = 0.03846022727272727272727272727273 statute mile, 0.03846022727272727272727272727273 statute mile × 0.86897624190064794816414686825051 = 0.03342102375809935205183585313175) = 203.07 feet (1.69225 foot × 120 = 203.07) = 61.895736 meters (203.07 feet × 0.3048 = 61.895736)
From the center of the temple altar, in the center of the inner court of the temple (Ezekiel 40:47, 43:13-17), Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N Longitude 035.235401° E, due north at sea level to the top of the Foundation Stone, the “mountain” (Ezekiel 40:2, 43:12), the center of the outer side of the north “gate” (Ezekiel 40:3,20) of the outer court of the temple, Latitude 31.778000° N Longitude 035.235401° E, is 250 great cubits:
6 great cubits (Ezekiel 43:16 [12 great cubits ÷ 2]) + 1 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:14) + 1 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:14) + 1 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:13) + 14 great cubits (Ezekiel 43:17) + 0.5 great cubit (Ezekiel 43:17) + 26.5 great cubits (Ezekiel 40:47 [100 great cubits ÷ 2 = 50 great cubits, 50 great cubits - 23.5 great cubits (Ezekiel 43:13,14,16,17) = 26.5 great cubits]) + 50 great cubits (Ezekiel 40:36) + 100 great cubits (Ezekiel 40:23), including going down the 8 steps (Ezekiel 40:37) + 50 great cubits (Ezekiel 40:21) = 250 great cubits = 0.06962713282937365010799136069114 nautical mile (423.0625 feet ÷ 5,280 = 0.08012547348484848484848484848485 statute mile, 0.08012547348484848484848484848485 statute mile × 0.86897624190064794816414686825051 = 0.06962713282937365010799136069114) = 423.0625 feet (1.69225 foot × 250 = 423.0625) = 128.94945 meters (423.0625 feet × 0.3048 = 128.94945)
The Foundation Stone of Jerusalem, Israel, the “mountain” (Ezekiel 40:2, 43:12), the center of the outer side of the north “gate” (Ezekiel 40:3,20), is position:
Latitude 31.778000° N
Longitude 035.235401° E
Latitude 31° 46’ 40.8” N
Longitude 035° 14’ 7.4436” E
Latitude 31.778000° N = Latitude 31° 46’ 40.8” N
1° of latitude = 60’ of latitude
0.778000° of latitude × 60 = 46.68’ of latitude
1’ of latitude = 60” of latitude
0.68’ of latitude × 60 = 40.8” of latitude
Longitude 035.235401° E = Longitude 035° 14’ 7.4436” E
1° of longitude = 60’ of longitude
0.235401° of longitude × 60 = 14.12406’ of longitude
1’ of longitude = 60” of longitude
0.12406’ of longitude × 60 = 7.4436” of longitude
60 nautical miles = 1° of latitude
0.06962713282937365010799136069114 nautical mile ÷ 60 = 0.00116045221382289416846652267819° of latitude
Latitude 31.778000° N - 0.00116045221382289416846652267819° of latitude = Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
The center of the temple altar, in the center of the inner court of the temple (Ezekiel 40:47, 43:13-17), is position:
Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
Longitude 035.235401° E
Latitude 31° 46’ 36.6223720302375809935205183592” N
Longitude 035° 14’ 7.4436” E
Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N = Latitude 31° 46’ 36.6223720302375809935205183592” N
1° of latitude = 60’ of latitude
0.776839547786177105831533477322° of latitude × 60 = 46.61037286717062634989200863932’ of latitude
1’ of latitude = 60” of latitude
0.61037286717062634989200863932’ of latitude × 60 = 36.6223720302375809935205183592” of latitude
π = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
1° of longitude on a sphere at the Equator = 69.046766881412550703889286566453 statute miles (360° of latitude × 60 = 21,600 nautical miles, 21,600 nautical miles × 1.1507794480235425117314881094409 = 24,856.836077308518253400143163923 statute miles, 24,856.836077308518253400143163923 statute miles ÷ 360 = 69.04676688141255070388928656645)
Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N ÷ 180° = 0.17653799748770098392128629709623
0.17653799748770098392128629709623 × π = 0.55461047598681478619796532618491
Cos(0.55461047598681478619796532618491) (in Radians) = 0.85010563285640438109247192085087
0.85010563285640438109247192085087 × 69.046766881412550703889286566453 statute miles = 58.697045456411839126374149867866 statute miles is the distance of 1° of longitude at Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
1° of longitude = 60’ of longitude
58.697045456411839126374149867866 statute miles ÷ 60 = 0.97828409094019731877290249779777 statute miles is the distance of 1’ of longitude at Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
1’ of longitude = 60” of longitude
0.97828409094019731877290249779777 statute miles ÷ 60 = 0.01630473484900328864621504162996 statute miles is the distance of 1” of longitude at Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
0.01630473484900328864621504162996 statute miles × 5,280 = 86.089000002737364052015419806189 feet
203.07 feet ÷ 86.089000002737364052015419806189 feet = 2.3588379467010071182168546306546” of longitude at Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
Longitude 035° 14’ 7.4436” E - 2.3588379467010071182168546306546” of longitude = Longitude 035° 14’ 5.0847620532989928817831453693454” E
The center of the world, the top of mount Zion, the center of “the most holy place” (Ezekiel 41:4) of the temple, is position:
Latitude 31.776839547786177105831533477322° N
Longitude 035.23474576723702749802271754038037° E
Latitude 31° 46’ 36.6223720302375809935205183592” N
Longitude 035° 14’ 5.0847620532989928817831453693454” E
Longitude 035° 14’ 5.0847620532989928817831453693454” E = Longitude 035.23474576723702749802271754038037° E
60” of longitude = 1’ of longitude
5.0847620532989928817831453693454” of longitude ÷ 60 = 0.08474603422164988136305242282242’ of longitude
60’ of longitude = 1° of longitude
14.08474603422164988136305242282242’ of longitude ÷ 60 = 0.23474576723702749802271754038037° of longitude
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