Dearest Butterflyyy, my heart goes out to you and your son Elijah, and all your family. I often wonder how many people knew what was going on in my life as a teen when I fell into drug use, because it was in those days something to be hidden as much as possible, though attitudes and even laws have changed much since those days of yore. What your son needs more than anything is to know he is loved, and it is so sad that he cannot grasp or comprehend the amount of love you have for him. I pray he is able to take a good, long, hard look at the circumstances of his life enough to see that the road he has chosen to travel will never lead him to any place he wants to go. The seduction of the drug culture and the false promises of glamor and glory embedded within it are powerful lures for the uninitiated, though truly are thinly veiled modes of self destruction. He may also desire freedom, but without responsibility, it is simply chaos and escape. I pray also for your peace of mind. You are such a sweet heart and are often so very encouraging to others with the sharing of your inspirational life experiences and first hand knowledge of God's love for you and His power working in your life. Dear heavenly Father, we lift up Elijah and Butterflyyy to You this day. We earnestly beseech you to intervene in the life of this young man to lead his steps onto a healthier more life affirming path. Please comfort Butterflyyy with Your presence. We believe Your promises and trust in Your goodness. In the sweet and precious Name of Jesus we pray, amen.