A lot of times in passerby comments people mention surviving inside a “whale” for three days as something Jonah accomplished. But scripture points towards another understanding. We see in his prayer in Jonah two several clues. First he mentions he cried out from Sheol, which is the grave. In verse six it states that he was in the pit and that the bars of the earth was around him but God called him up out of the pit. It seems as he was dying Jonah was praying to God and afterwards at some point God called himself back to life.
This also fits with the sign Jesus said he would give them.
In Matthew 12:38-41 Jesus said he would give them only the sign of Jonah. Jesus was not alive in the tomb for three days. He died and came back. In the same way Jonah did.
This also fits with the sign Jesus said he would give them.
In Matthew 12:38-41 Jesus said he would give them only the sign of Jonah. Jesus was not alive in the tomb for three days. He died and came back. In the same way Jonah did.
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