I am by nature a nutcase. Being autistic means that my sense of humour is never far from the surface, so beware. By way of introduction, I am a retired teacher who received a degree in teaching from university and an anointing from God for teaching. I haven't retired from that one. I have some other degrees in theology, politics and social science. My wife is a teacher as well and we have been married for 50 years.
We have two children and 12 grandchildren. Ten girls and two boys.
I spent the first 40 years of my life living in the UK and was around for the charismatic renewal and was in a church for 10 years that was at the centre of it and birthed many churches throughout the country. Then my wife who is Australian decided she wanted to come back home so to stay married to her I decided to come as well. That was 40 years ago. So I have done half and half. That means I am half English and half Australian.
Here in Australia, I have been head of two parachurch ministries and an Elder of a home fellowship. I tend to be a bit out there and have been used by God to bring miracle healings to people.
One final note. Autistic people do not usually criticise. They usually speak as they find. To give you an example a friend of mine has an autistic boy and one day when they were at the shopping centre, the boy said to his parents "That woman over there is fat." For him, that was a statement of fact. He was not judging her in any way. That is the way I usually operate. If you know that you will not get upset about what I say.
We have two children and 12 grandchildren. Ten girls and two boys.
I spent the first 40 years of my life living in the UK and was around for the charismatic renewal and was in a church for 10 years that was at the centre of it and birthed many churches throughout the country. Then my wife who is Australian decided she wanted to come back home so to stay married to her I decided to come as well. That was 40 years ago. So I have done half and half. That means I am half English and half Australian.
Here in Australia, I have been head of two parachurch ministries and an Elder of a home fellowship. I tend to be a bit out there and have been used by God to bring miracle healings to people.
One final note. Autistic people do not usually criticise. They usually speak as they find. To give you an example a friend of mine has an autistic boy and one day when they were at the shopping centre, the boy said to his parents "That woman over there is fat." For him, that was a statement of fact. He was not judging her in any way. That is the way I usually operate. If you know that you will not get upset about what I say.
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