There are things which are so fundamental that you won't find it in literature and textbooks, and why people cannot find is because we don't to go to the root of the problem. And in medicine, it is common that physicians only treat the symptoms of the disease. The solution is for us to treat the cause of the problem. And when you are not going to treat the cause/root, you will always do a half way job. The question, we need to ask ourselves: Where does disease come from? You find physicians look for disease to the body only. They forget that human is made up of spirit and chemistry(earth). And the two together makes a living soul. It could be said, 90 percent of all disease is result of spiritual root. The fundamental law has two aspects: Nothing exist and functions by itself and nothing can do anything for itself. This was the law which governed the universe before satan become discontent with being a created being. Adam and Eve trusted the words of satan and they mistrusted God's word. Now we inherited the error in our heart/subconsciousness. The error leads us to think: I am dependent on the acts and the existence of others to be loved. Something fundamentally changed in our spirit(heart) and we cannot change our nature after the fall. We have this idea that we are gods, and we can created and that we have property. As a created being, we cannot created nor have property. We are stewards of God’s possession. And thus, we think we are gods. This is not an conscious thought that we are aware of and we cannot even see we have this error. But God in His love and mercy brings crisis and conflicts in our relationships that our spiritual eyes could be enlighten, in order that we may destroy the error in our heart and our body will be healthy again. The cause for disease is conflicts, war, force on others, discontentment, depression will lead to disease like cancer, diabetes, inflammation, etc. If we could change our identity to being a created being with the right identity all of the world's problems will be solved.