The turn around I believe will start quickly
You must remember, the unlawful change of State election laws without Legislature approval was the major factor in the coup of the Presidency seen, and yes these State Legislatures had hearings in full knowledge of the unlawful fraud, with letters before VP Pence
I believe the Republican controlled Legislatures in the battle ground States will remove the unlawful actions of the post Covid election law changes quickly, even removing electronic voting in their States
Recall of 4 State Senators unlawfully elected quickly.
Senate Fraudulent Losses?
Arizona: Mcsally
Michigan: James
Georgia: Loeffler, Perdue
You must remember, the unlawful change of State election laws without Legislature approval was the major factor in the coup of the Presidency seen, and yes these State Legislatures had hearings in full knowledge of the unlawful fraud, with letters before VP Pence
I believe the Republican controlled Legislatures in the battle ground States will remove the unlawful actions of the post Covid election law changes quickly, even removing electronic voting in their States
Recall of 4 State Senators unlawfully elected quickly.
Senate Fraudulent Losses?
Arizona: Mcsally
Michigan: James
Georgia: Loeffler, Perdue
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