The book of Enoch is mentioned in the New Testament, and I believe that it was taught to the Jews equally as much as the other books in the old testament.
Was seriously leaning towards studying it. Any words of wisdom from the audience?
Was seriously leaning towards studying it. Any words of wisdom from the audience?
Another example of the extreme metaphors is the giants in the end times of 3,000 ells (approximately 6,000 feet tall) who after consuming all the acquisitions of man, then devour all of mankind (Enoch VII:2-4). As the first chapter in the book of Enoch informs us that the data therein is primarily in regards to the final generation who are to witness the dire environmental effects from the knowledge the watchers (fallen angels) have taught mankind; the giants who are approximately 1000 times the size of an average human, is then understood to metaphorically represent the giants of industry, who are today consuming all the acquisitions of mankind through their insatiable greed, who when mankind will no longer be able to sustain them, will then initiate genocide on a global scale against mankind. According to Revelation 9:16-19, this devouring/genocide of mankind will kill 1/3 of all mankind.
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