Similar to lightening bugs? Just because it's named after Lucifer doesn't make it evil? What would it take then for anyone, Christians in particular, to be abhorred by the term? Would you as a Christian purchase a car called Lucifer's Coach? Satan's ride?
An embarrassment? To whom?
Also, you were created a human, in the image of God Almighty. What would cause you to pick a name labeling yourself subhuman? Just curious.
Seems your going to some trouble to make light of that article. Just curious as to why.
Well a scientist naming a Naturally Occurring Enzyme after Lucifer has nothing. Zero. Not a single things whatsoever with the goodness or evilness of the enzyme. In fact does the Bible not say that in the end times good will be called evil, and evil will be called good? This God made enzyme named to reflect the enemy of God seems to fall under that category, doesn't it?
What is more relevant, the nature of the object, or the outside party that named it? What if your parents had named you Jezebel, would that mean you are evil based off the name someone else gave to you?
Who has more power? God that creates the enzyme or the scientist who gave it a name?
At the end of the day what name someone decided to give to it has no bearing at all on whether or not the object is good or bad. It's just a name.
And comparing it to a car? This enzyme is natural, not man made. If a man designs a car and decides to theme the car after evil, that is not the same as something created in nature that is given a name to reflect evil. The source of creation holds more relevance than the title applied.
Also, ultimately, that car would not be evil, either. It would just be a name of an inanimate object. If I objected to purchasing it it would have nothing to do with the perception of the goodness or evilness perceived of the car, but rather to Not support the Person that applied the notion of evil to the car. The car is irrelevant. It's the individual that created it that is relevant.
And yes, bioluminesence is a normal, naturally occuring process that appears throughout nature. And lightning bugs are just one example. I'd advise you to take 5 minutes to learn about this.
So by your nature anything man applies an evil title to causes that thing to become evil. God made an enzyme, but a man named it after Lucifer so now that enzyme is no longer part of God's good creation? That is your idea of honoring God? By giving men power over God, just by their words? That man can steal the goodness of God's creation and turn things evil? That is your perception of how things work?
An embarrassment to anyone promoting it or those they claim to represent.
More often than not offensive things are chosen as a weapon. If you sit around offended by everything you give power to those attempting to offend you.
And to be quite honest this little attempt at humor by the scientist who picked this name is MILD compared to things I've seen.
If I'm going to be offended by something it's not going to be a dumb joke of someone naming an enzyme.
Things that offend me are spouses beating and murdering their other.
Very young underage girls being rented out for sex and physical abuse sometimes 20 or more times a day, every day.
That as we speak people are being tortured, many for nothing more than the pleasure of the one committing it.
That people are being bought and sold as property that will only be abused.
I could go on, but I think the point is made. If the world you live in is so limited that something so minute as the name a scientist picks for an enzyme disrupts your world so drastically then I encourage you to stay on that desert island alone. And I envy that ignorance and wish I had it back.
Because that name had Zero bearing on anything of substance in this life.