Shalom: My name is Steven and I am a Jewish Believer in Yeshua (Jesus). I was saved 21 years ago at 39 years old. My family disowned me when I discovered Jesus as my Savior and Messiah. After about five years they came back to me and two family members got saved also. I was persecuted all through junior high school and high school. I was called a kike, Christ killer and people carved swastakas on my locker and told me they hoped I burned in a hot oven. This antisemitism made me feel that Christians hated Jews. Obviously these kids were not believers but influenced by Satan. When you reach out to a Jewish person, be sure not to have them believe that they will become Christians. if they accept Jesus. Use the real name of the Messiah (Yeshua). I am a completed Jew and actually became closer to the G-d of Israel when I was Saved. Jesus is Jewish and came to the Jews first. We are still a remnant of Jewish Believers. The Jews must understadd that Christians believe in the Tenach and Brit Hadasha, (The Old and New Testaments). Jewish people believe that the Old Testament is the Jewish Bible and the New Testament is Christian. Our Jewish brothers and sisters must understand the Christian faith came from Jewish roots.May all of Israel be saved so Yeshua will reign on Earth again and the Putins in the world will be where they belong.
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