Administrations are struggling to work out a solution. Yes, politicians and pharmas have other agendas than to merely help the populace, such as how can they stay in positions of influence and maintain their wealth, and Satan makes use of those bad traits to cloud and manipulate their decisions. But for anyone to rule the vaccines out as being nefarious or useless, as some seem to be claiming here, is ostensibly wrong and will put the health of the many at risk.
If any of Israel didn't look at the snake wrapped around the pole whilst they were under threat that time in the desert, they died. That's a metaphor for us that we ought give due consideration to in our process of making judgements and passing sentences on vaccines.
Sorry, but that's a horrible metaphor to twist scripture into pushing vaccines. We need to take into consideration if vaccines were even necessary in the first place. How is it that we, as mankind, were able to survive thousands of years without injecting ourselves with a vaccine? Plagues and diseases were used as God's judgment. Now with all this technology I think we became a little prideful in the fact that we can play God and prevent any of these diseases, except at our own detriment ... we're causing more harm than good.
God already laid out His guidelines, which are still proven today. Broken record here, but good nutrition, staying away from unclean diseased filled foods and properly preparing them, and hygiene. Those are staples for our immunity. Not a vaccine which intrudes the system by injection, versus naturally taking in the virus, letting our immune system do it's job, develop antibodies, and spread those antibodies via herd immunity. Well, we might say, what if my immunity was weak? There are many medicinal benefits that we can harvest naturally from God's creation, versus creating a bio-synthetic drug that possibly has the outcome of altering our dna for the bad.
Sorry, if you keep pushing this and throwing our natural alternative view out, then I'm going to keep resisting.